Two of the first bloggers I started following in March 2009 when I finally felt good enough to get off the couch and try to get going again were Sharon Day, a.k.a. Autumnforest, of Ghost Hunting Theories and Julie Ferguson, a.k.a. Adsila, of Above the Norm. I still follow themContinue Reading

  If you’ve followed me for a while now, you’ve likely realized how pokey I can be. If you haven’t, well…there you have it. I’m pokey, just so you know. Back at the start of the summer, I was fed up with my weight. I was looking for a newContinue Reading

  In addition to ghosts, I’m nuts about zombies. That’s why I got really excited when this past summer I saw an ad for a zombie run. Actually, it’s not just a zombie run. It’s an obstacle course “infested” with zombies. I’ve been raving about it since then, which hasContinue Reading

I’ve interviewed Jessica Penot of Ghost Stories and Haunted Places before. I wanted to interview her again, but as I just now revisited our past conversation, it dawned on me I repeated a couple of questions. Whoops. Well, Jessica was very nice and obliged answering once again anyway. Luckily sheContinue Reading

A while back Jason Stromming from The Occult Section wrote about how a community college cancelled its ghost hunter course. The course was called “Paranormal Investigations: Communicating and Cohabiting with Spirits” and was among the “fun” courses the college had to cut. (Due to budget issues and needing to focus onContinue Reading

I love interviewing people but I’m rarely the interviewee. That’s why it was so much fun to participate in Pamela K. Kinney’s Supernatural Friday: Interviewing Courtney of HauntJaunts. Pamela is the author of both fiction and non-fiction, including a couple of haunted places books: Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths, and TrueContinue Reading

If Karen Frazier’s name sounds familiar, maybe it’s because you know her from Paranormal Underground Magazine or Paranormal Underground Radio. Or maybe you’ve read one of her articles or books. (As a freelancer, she edits and writes for a variety of places.) It was her book Avalanche of Spirits: TheContinue Reading

The other day I came across a ghost movie trivia quiz I’d put together a while back. I thought it’d be fun to do something different for Movie Monday. Like a match the ghost movie to its rightful quote quiz. Movie buffs might have fun with this one. Might. IContinue Reading

Today I listened to Terence Guardino’s June 2011 video forecast for Virgos.  His very first sentences piqued my interest and flashed me back to my prognostications this past April: “Well, this is going to be a very volatile month, but more for world events, weather patterns, because there are three eclipses inContinue Reading

I really hope it was New York Shadow Chasers who told me about Bigfoot having a Facebook page, because that’s who I’m blaming for this post. They told me about that Facebook page, as well as Chupacabra’s Facebook page. Well of course that piqued my interest. What other paranormal phenomsContinue Reading

  I first learned about Spook Hill in Lake Wales, Florida when I was a little girl. For those who are old enough to remember the show That’s Incredible! perhaps you, too, saw the episode where it was featured. Apparently it made an impression. Over twenty years later I thoughtContinue Reading

Not only have I met a ton of neat people this past year, I’ve been to a lot of neat places. Some were places I never expected to go. A couple were on my Bucket List. Since it’s Wednesday and I’ve tried to feature images for Wordless Wednesdays this past year,Continue Reading