I’m always excited when I come across tourism departments that promote paranormal tourism. Today I discovered another one when I read an article published by The City Wire about the new “Haunted Arkansas” web page on the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism’s web site. Haunted Arkansas appears under theirContinue Reading

My husband had a host of travel troubles last week. “Damn Mercury retrograde!” he cussed on the phone to me while he waited to hear when his delayed flight might be allowed to take-off. (This after troubles just getting to the airport, then fearing his flight might be canceled, butContinue Reading

I learned two things from a Tweet by Pamela K. Kinney: (a) that Creatures n Crooks Bookshoppe will host a multi-author signing on September 12, and (b) Creatures ‘n Crooks will close at the end of September. This merited both a “COOL!: and a “Bummer!” response. I’ve never personally beenContinue Reading

Increasingly I’m noticing a trend in some of my Google Alerts: stories about Haunt Jaunts as fundraising venues. Especially for historical societies and foundations. This weekend I came across another one. How the Vaughan-Smitherman Museum in Alabama recently did a ghost hunt as a fundraiser. Specifically, The Friends of theContinue Reading

I found a story about haunted golf courses when I was slogging through my backlog of Google alerts today and stumbled upon a posting by Stephen Wagner at About.com: Paranormal Phenomena called “The Latest Paranormal News.” Wagner was listing ghost-related or otherwise odd stories he’d found, among them one entitledContinue Reading

Earlier today I wrote about using Haunt Jaunts to teach based in part on a headline one of my Google alerts popped up with: “Tracking Ghosts in the Valley: Ashby Lee Students Use GPS for New Learning Program” by Aimee Cregger. Well, I finally got around to reading the wholeContinue Reading

My husband and I don’t have kids, but I got to thinking today how, if we did, what a great teaching tool Haunt Jaunts would make. Check out the various lessons that could be taught: HISTORY LESSONS   Some kids find history dull. Others love it. I was one ofContinue Reading

I was talking to a friend the other day about HauntJaunts.net and he said, “Ghosts can follow you home. You don’t want to be messing with seeking them out, Courtney. That’s bad stuff.” That’s a concept I’ve seen addressed on some of the TV shows that deal with ghosts andContinue Reading

This past weekend I spent a lot of time adding books to Haunt Jaunt’s Emporium. Among them was The World’s Most Haunted Places: From the Secret Files of Ghostvillage.com by Jeff Belanger. I’d heard of Ghostvillage.com, had even clicked through from some Google search I’d run on something or another,Continue Reading