Slasher and Haunted Hub horror and paranormal social networks

By now, we’re all familiar with the social networking biggies, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Some of us are on all of them, while others play favorites. And we may even have our own little cliques or groups that we follow, depending on our specialized interests and howContinue Reading

8 bit Jason Voorhees Funko Pop

Guest contributor Lewis Sheller joins us again for some more Funko Pop insights. This time, he explains why five horror Funko Pops in particular would make great additions to a burgeoning collection. (We’ve even got a couple of these on the Horror Funko Pops shelf in the Skareporium!) Top 5Continue Reading

Smalls Skeleton in his cruise fedora with skeleton rubber ducks

Thanks to friends with Jeeps, I knew about Jeep ducking. Which sounded fun. I mean, how cool to be out and about and come back to find someone’s left a duck on your Jeep. But what I didn’t know until our cruise last year was that people do cruise ducksContinue Reading

one woman seance

I don’t remember what sparked the thought now, but the other day I got to wondering about things paranormal enthusiasts should do before they die. I had a few things in mind, but it seemed like a perfect question to pose on Twitter. But would anyone answer? (If you’re onContinue Reading

Funko Pop superhero

Funko Pops make fun gifts or keepsakes, but a lot of people are also passionate about collecting them. In this great guest post, Funko Pop collector Lewis Sheller rejoins us to share tips on the best way to start a Funko Pop collection. His enthusiasm even inspired us to addContinue Reading

Trio of creepy vintage looking haunted dolls

Does anything good ever come from having a haunted doll? People often associate bad things with haunted dolls. Understandably. We pretty much only hear about the spooky things that happen to people who find —or are found by— them. But are they always only scary or evil? Are there anyContinue Reading

Test your psychic ability third eye

Do you ever suspect that you may be psychic? Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to test your psychic ability? The beginning of August is a great time to find out. Not because the Universe’s energy is more supercharged or anything like that. Rather, it has to doContinue Reading

Dollhouse grave in a spook cemetery

The other day on Instagram, a Reels from Greg Ludwig (@ghostinspectorgreg) about haunting dollhouse graves caught my eye. Probably because, thanks to the Weird Holidays & Observances page, I’m aware that the first Sunday in August is National Doll Day. I was looking for an interesting way to observe it,Continue Reading

Pretty Little Liars Original Sin title card

Guilty pleasure confession time: I love Pretty Little Liars. I didn’t start watching it right away back in the day, though. It had already been on for a couple of seasons before I gave into my curiosity and gave it a go. (And then the binge was on to catchContinue Reading

Pandemonium definition

Forgive me, Pandemonium Day. I’ve overlooked you for far too long, which is a shame because from the origins of your name, “pandemonium,” to the reason we celebrate you, you’re really quite fascinating. But I’m here to correct the oversight now. When is Pandemonium Day celebrated? It’s celebrated on JulyContinue Reading

Amazon Prime Stampcard Rewards graphic

Where have I been? Why am I just now learning about Stampcard Rewards? Which I did thanks to Amazon’s upcoming Prime Day. I was pretty much ignoring all the buzz about it, but FOMO finally got the best of me so I decided to check it out. Which I’m kindContinue Reading

Scarecrow with Sunglasses

There are a few days on the Weird Holidays & Observances page that always strike me as out of place. For instance, Leprechaun Day, which isn’t in March anywhere near St. Patrick’s Day as you might assume. Rather, it’s on May 13. But Build a Scarecrow Day is another oneContinue Reading