I was quite intrigued by the Skellie Man of Fisherman’s Wharf. We see a lot of street performers when we travel. I thought this was a super innovative costume. Also, I liked the macabre-ness of it. I also liked that it gave me something to film…and then later experiment withContinue Reading

It’s my pleasure to present you with “Laughing Sal,” a Haunt Jaunts original Movie Monday production. It’s been a while since I’ve made a movie. I have lots of footage from past jaunts in my Movies to Be Made queue. However, I’ve been lazy about making any because I knowContinue Reading

At the beginning of last year, I wrote about a new vampire movie trying to be released called Midnight Son. One of the producers contacted me recently to let me know it had finally been released and where people could find it. As per the email, I’m pleased to passContinue Reading

I got an email with some information about a trailer for a movie called Pleasantview State. I don’t think the  movie has actually been made yet, though. I think they put this trailer together to try and sell the concept of the movie. (Not entirely sure about that. I couldContinue Reading

At the start of this year, I listed horror movies coming out in 2012 for the first quarter of the year. Then, as usual, I fell off the wagon. I didn’t follow up for the second quarter. Now we’re almost to the third quarter of the year. With the HalloweenContinue Reading

  Over a year ago, Haunt Jaunts signed up for Crazy Dog TShirts‘s affiliate program. The reason I applied was in part because of the shirt I’m modeling above. The Friday the 13th series is one of my faves. (Well, I really only love one through three, but will watch theContinue Reading

This weekend I had the chance to watch Vanishing on 7th Street starring Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, John Leguizamo, and Jacob Latimore. I had never heard of it until it popped up as a suggestion in my Blockbuster queue associated with either Skyline or The Darkest Hour or both. (Can’tContinue Reading

A few weeks back, either Bio or the History Channel (I forget which now) reran Haunted History: Caribbean. I DVRed it because I was curious if they would mention any haunts on Nassau, one of the ports of call on the Haunt Jaunts Halloween in the Bermuda Triangle Cruise. Nope. IContinue Reading

Last week my friend Cheryl asked if I knew about Ghocial. I didn’t know what she was talking about, but leave it to serendipity to change that. No sooner did she share their Facebook page link with me than I also saw a Facebook ad for them. I clicked theContinue Reading

This is a guest article from Clint Henderson with 2MCCTV, where you can find security and surveillance cameras for your business of any size. They are a full service security integration solution. You can visit them at http://www.2mcctv.com. Ok, so some ghost caught on surveillance camera videos are a bitContinue Reading

A couple of weeks back when we went to see The Hunger Games, we saw a preview for Battleship. I’d seen the movie posters before that. They’d referenced, “Based on the Hasbro game.” Or something to that effect. Well, when I think of Battleship the game, I think of theContinue Reading

I asked Annie of FootTracker if she’d be interested in doing a guest blog. I noticed a pattern in some of her comments on my posts. After reading her post, “Proper” Way to Enter a Hotel Room, my suspicions were confirmed: We share an interest in ghosts and the paranormal.Continue Reading