Saturday, I snookered my husband into jaunting down to the Rippavilla Plantation in Columbia, Tennessee. Earlier this year, I learned of Rippavilla’s Ghosts and Grits events. Then I saw a video about the plantation on Tennessee Crossroads. (Included below.) I believe Mike Sears with the Volunteer Paranormal Research Society hadContinue Reading

Midway Plantation Slave Cemetery

I created a video of an impromptu jaunt I made after discovering yet another cemetery in an unexpected place. I was on my way to a tennis match a couple of weeks ago when I noticed it. I couldn’t stop then, but as soon as I had time I went back.Continue Reading

I had been wanting to see The Collector for a while, but, as with most things, I got around to it in my own slow, sweet time. It ended up being worth the wait. (It just plain sucks to be looking forward to what you’re sure will be a good horror movieContinue Reading

Yes, I’m writing about the indie horror film Ghost from the Machine again. Yes, I did just hold a contest giving away a couple of DVDs, but today I read some exciting news I thought was shareworthy. Plus, it’s Movie Monday, so what better day to share than today? Anyway, theContinue Reading

It’s amazing I still prefer traveling by car over most other travel methods given the amount of scary movies about road trips gone wrong that I’ve seen. Even crazier, it happens to be one of my favorite sub genres of horror movies. Maybe because there’s been so many good scary roadContinue Reading

I don’t know about you, but I love late summer. It ushers in the start of the horror movie season. (There’s always a few horror movies sprinkled throughout the year, but late summer is when they seem to crop up all over.) I decided to make a list for myselfContinue Reading

I have been waiting how long to see Ghost from the Machine, formerly known as Phasma Ex Machina? Well, I guess about that long. Back before it got its new name, artwork and distribution. Matt Osterman, the film’s writer and director, was kind enough to send me a DVD ahead ofContinue Reading

I haven’t done a Movie Monday post in a while, but I finally had a chance to watch the History Channel’s Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide so I have something to write about. The show’s premise was as follows: A team of top scientists come together with one goal: to createContinue Reading

The other day I came across a ghost movie trivia quiz I’d put together a while back. I thought it’d be fun to do something different for Movie Monday. Like a match the ghost movie to its rightful quote quiz. Movie buffs might have fun with this one. Might. IContinue Reading

Yesterday I was experiencing some server problems (Blogger, you better not have given my beloved WordPress your cooties!) so I wasn’t able to share some super exciting information that came to my inbox yesterday for Movie Monday. I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Phasma Ex Machina for overContinue Reading

Excuse me while I take a moment to vent about something for Movie Monday: sucky remakes. In particular, sucky slasher movie remakes. Specifically, Halloween, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. I consider these the Big 3. They spawned sequel after sequel and kept me entertained all throughContinue Reading

There were some neat videos in my YouTube Subscription Update this week, so I figured I do something a little different for Movie Monday today. I always like sharing what I find, so why not put the ones I liked best all together in a post? The first one is viaContinue Reading