Alrighty, for the second time this month we’ve got a “lost real film that’s recently been discovered” horror movie to feature for Movie Monday. Last time it was the Stuart House Recordings, this time it’s Subconscious. I was made aware of it courtesy of fecolino1 via YouTube. (Thanks very muchContinue Reading

On a recent visit to Paranormal Searchers I was intrigued by something I saw in their sidebar: The Stuart House Recordings. I clicked the image and was taken to a blog post about it.   Whoa. It reminded me of a combo of The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity, even though its TwitterContinue Reading

< p style=”text-align: center;”> Before we left for our Western Caribbean cruise I knew I wanted to get a digital waterproof camera. I learned on our other Caribbean cruise (that time to Key West and the Bahamas) that it was a pain to get film developed for disposable waterproof cameras.Continue Reading

  I have been wanting to see Frozen for a while now. The other night I came across it on one of the movie channel listings on On Demand. Whoa! What a perfect movie for this time of year. (Although, I supposed it’d also make a good choice for summer when youContinue Reading

< p style=”text-align: center;”> SCARED!’s Brian, Chris, and especially Brooke have been amazing to me this past year. Whenever I get a chance to support them and let them know how much I admire and respect them, guess what? I don’t hesitate.   It recently came to my attention I haveContinue Reading

I don’t know why people are so fascinated with vampires still. Just when I think the genre is surely going to die, nope.  Along comes yet another film trying to put a fresh spin on it. A new vampire movie that came to my attention recently via Twitter is MidnightContinue Reading

It’s been a year since the movie Phasma Ex Machina came to my attention. I was instantly excited about it. It looked intense, thoughtful, and spooky. Not spooky in the sense of jump out of your seat scary, but psychologically haunting. I’ve watched it’s progress closely for the past year. IContinue Reading

The following is a guest blog from William Collins, a writer, paranormal researcher and humorist. You can follow him on Twitter at @Thor_2000. For several years, both Hollywood and television executives have been aware that the viewing public likes a good ghost story. Movies about the paranormal usually do very well.Continue Reading

When I was researching Zombie Road I came across the clip for Children of the Grave. It won the Best Paranormal Documentary of 2008 and was produced by the same people who made Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Zombie Road factors into it, as it is one ofContinue Reading

OMG! OMG! OMG! I love when movie clips like the one for Grave Encounters come to my attention. The film’s producer, Shawn Angelski, actually shared it with me himself. Don’t know how he found me, but I am SO happy he did. This movie looks freaking great! Here’s the analogyContinue Reading

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Anyone who knows what it can do, which is snatch your life away without a moment’s hestitation. I saw the trailer for the upcoming Red Riding Hood movie on Paranormal Romance and was instantly intrigued. Apparently in this adaptation there’s an added complication.Continue Reading

Remember back in the day when ushers at movie theaters used to direct you to your seat with the aid of a flashlight? (Well, maybe some of you won’t. I really don’t. I think they’d done away with such courtesy by the time I started going to movies. But I’veContinue Reading