A little bee buzzed me about a film premiering tonight at 9 p.m. on HBO: No One Dies in Lily Dale. It’s part of the HBO Documentary Film Summer Series. Here’s the teaser I was sent that immediately piqued my interest: Located just south of Buffalo, tiny Lily Dale, NY,Continue Reading

I can’t wait until Movie Monday to talk about some movie news I have today. TONTINE MASSACRE First off, I made of point of watching the exclusive sneak peak of Tontine Massacre today. I loved the audition tapes it started out with. (Oh, and before I say more, it wasContinue Reading

In my other guest, “Haunted Hollywood and its Haunted Actors,” I wrote about how actor Dick Christie lives in the former home of Buster Keaton, who still seems to be lingering about the place. Buster is not the only celeb that returns to this plane of existence. The ghost ofContinue Reading

It has been a loooong time since I had anything to post for Movie Monday, but today I finally do: the Tontine Massacre. I happened to spot the ad for it this afternoon on my very own blog. I was coming to use my handy blog exchange buttons to clickContinue Reading

Mena Suvari is best known for the movie “American Beauty,” but this American beauty grew up and was raised in a home in Rhode Island the family believed was haunted. Her family reported seeing apparitions and hearing sounds. Neve Campbell is an American actress of Scottish ancestry who believes inContinue Reading

Yesterday I wondered which Sex and the City girl you’d Haunt Jaunt with, but thanks to a comment my friend Tracie left on HJ’s Facebook page I’m now asking the same about the men of Sex and the City. (No one can accuse me of not being an equal opportunityContinue Reading

I know Sex and the City has nothing to do with the paranormal, but I love the show anyway. I’m excited for Sex and the City 2, even though I know sequels usually suck. It’s just a good excuse to spend more time with the girls. Which got me toContinue Reading

I’ve read a lot of books on the paranormal. I started on the Hans Holzer and Kathryn Tucker Wyndham books, went through the separate series by Richard Winer, Dolores Riccio and Michael Norman and graduated to Dennis William Hauck. His “National Directory To Haunted Places” should practically be the BibleContinue Reading

While I was scrolling through my Facebook Home page this morning to see what was happening in all my friends’ worlds, Chad, a.k.a. the Crypt Kicker and mastermind behind Chateau Grrr, had posted the following title and link: The Horror Digest: Announcing the Wolf Man Contest! Like so many others,Continue Reading

When Dane Whitehead of Phasma Ex Machina asked if I’d be interested in being a part of their “6 Questions With” series, I thought that was cool enough. But today I finally had a chance to check emails. (We have friends in and then we got all this snow I’veContinue Reading

I received an interesting email about The Paranormal Activity Home Entertainment Sweepstakes. Enter to win a red-carpet screening in your home (with press and all) plus a home entertainment system. Entries will be accepted until 12:01 p.m. EST on December 18, 2009. They’ll pick a winner that same day. ParanormalContinue Reading

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I happen to love Thanksgiving. (And this year more than ever before boy howdy do I have a TON to be thankful for!) But I also know Thanksgiving can bring on a lot of pressures with the family commitments, cooking, eating, not toContinue Reading