Tales of the Bushmen logo 3

In Part 2 of Keith David Langston‘s series “Tales of the Bushmen,” Coya told her bushman story while sitting around a campfire one night at the lodge they all worked at. Here’s another co-worker sharing his story. Riley’s Story “When I was a kid, my mom used to tell meContinue Reading

Tales of the Bushmen logo 2

In Part 1 of his “Tales of the Bushmen,” Keith David Langston shared how it was that he found himself in the Northwest Territories (N.W.T.) and first learned of the bushmen. In this installment, he shares the first of three bushmen stories his fellow lodge coworkers told him while sittingContinue Reading

Tales of the Bushmen logo 1

This is a guest post by Keith David Langston about his time living in the woods in the Northwest Territories (N.WT..), and hearing the horrifying stories of “bushmen.” It was then followed by a very mysterious and scary incident he had in his cabin. Because it’s a little long, IContinue Reading

Indrid Cold Grinning Man caricatures

Please enjoy this curious (and creepy) guest contribution from Strangilla. No one knows what’s out there in the Universe. Intelligent life forms or Galactic Empires? Super powered aliens or deadly plants? Here’s the story of ‘Indrid Cold’ aka The Grinning Man, one such uncertain creature encountered in human history. FirstContinue Reading

Native American woman in trees

When I received the press release about “Mountain Monsters” moving to Travel Channel, I didn’t post it all. There was more to it, including something that really intrigued me. The two-hour season premiere will pick up where Season Three left off –with AIMS (Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings) team membersContinue Reading

Vent Haven Museum sign

I have it noted on the Weird Holidays & Observances calendar that National Ventriloquism Week is July 17-20 this year. However, I always like to fact-check myself to make sure I have dates and such right. I noticed I had the week linked to something, which turns out to beContinue Reading

UFO hovering above trees at night

Trick Question Recently I published a post on The Occult Section asking is World UFO Day June 24 or July 2? You know how I love my Weird Holidays & Observances. As I explained in the TOS post, my confusion about which was the correct date for World UFO DayContinue Reading

Children of Dave David Jessup’s therapy is creating curious sculptures out of discarded or broken toy parts. For the past 8 years, Jessup has reassembled toys, he calls his children, and sold them via his website, David-Jessup.squarespace.com, and various art galleries and specialty shops. If visiting the Dallas-Fort Worth area,Continue Reading

Cecil Hotel Stay on Main Lobby

This is a guest contribution from Sally Writes. Spending a night or two at a hotel is pretty commonplace for anyone spending a night away from home. With an estimated 54,200 hotels in the United States, you’re bound to be within distance of a few at any given time. However,Continue Reading

Stonehenge at sunrise

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Did you know that Stonehenge is a popular summer solstice destination? It’s a popular winter solstice destination for that matter too. I didn’t realize these two times mark popular pilgrimages for Stonehenge visitors until research for summer solstice events (ie. “SpookyContinue Reading

Black-eyed child

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Or does it? I never would’ve associated Father’s Day with black-eyed children until I watched Into the Dark’s June movie, They Come Knocking. Do you have Hulu? Have you been watching the Into the Dark offerings? In case you’re not familiarContinue Reading

Ancient stone ruins

This is a guest contribution from Sharon Hooper.  Who says our knowledge and level of technological advancement are enough to unravel the numerous mysteries which mother nature continually present to us? We’ve truly come a long way and various fields of science have helped us to better understand human historyContinue Reading