Bigfoot Xing Sign

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. When In Search of Monsters premiered on Travel Channel in April, they published “The 8 Best Places to See Bigfoot Right Now.”  They used never before released data from the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO). It was exclusive tracking information fromContinue Reading

Mike the Headless Chicken

One of the days that never fails to amuse, inspire and perplex me on the Weird Holidays & Observances page is Mike, The Headless Chicken Day, which is observed on May 31. But not only does the “Miracle Chicken” have a day, there’s a festival for the freak-of-nature foul, called,Continue Reading

Three empty, crooked picture frames hanging on a creepy dingy wall.

This is a guest contribution from Sally Writes. Back in 2000, a “Haunted Painting.” was listed on eBay that spread like wildfire. The seller was anonymous, but the painting was very much real. Entitled “The Hands That Resist Him” by artist Bill Stoneham, the painting depicted a boy with aContinue Reading

Liminal Earth Map

Last year a haunted places and paranormal activity mapping site came to my attention called Liminal Seattle. It’s since evolved to become Liminal Earth. What is it? In essence, it’s one big experiment or research project. A collective one open to everyone worldwide to participate in. Spooky things happen everyContinue Reading

Couple touring haunted room 311 bathroom at the Read House hotel

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  I came across an article from about how the Read House in Chattanooga had a special unveiling ceremony for, and tours of, their newly renovated Room 311 on March 11. (Get it? The date and the room number match.) ApparentlyContinue Reading

In Search of Monsters Yeti Drawing of a Yeti

With new Yeti sightings reported recently, a timely “Yeti” episode of Travel Channel’s hit series, In Search of Monsters, to air on Wednesday, May 15.  Here’s info from a press release we received from Travel Channel on an exciting, and timely, episode about the elusive Yeti… The mysterious Yeti footprintsContinue Reading

Scott Wolter with petroglyph at the San Fernando Petroglyphs

We’ll find out when the new Travel Channel show, America Unearthed, premiers on Tuesday, May 28 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Scott Wolter hosts the show. He’s honed his skills for decades looking for historical answers within the natural world. “Every day, science finds something new,” said Wolter. “We find new species,Continue Reading

Sheet covered ghost holding Boo chalkboard photo prop cutout

 This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  I have two confessions: Paranormal Day was among the days that inspired me to create the listings on the Weird Holidays & Observances page. I’m insanely fascinated with these newfangled, short term, limited engagement interactive events called “pop-ups.” Especially the onesContinue Reading

fiery asteroid speeding towards earth's Armageddon

“It” being the end of civilization as we know it. Have you heard about the Apophis asteroid? That’s what some believe might slam into earth on April 13, 2036 with apocalyptic consequences. I first heard about it a couple of years ago. I noted the date after a friend toldContinue Reading

Vicky Ward inquired if we ever publish personal ghost stories. I told her we haven’t really ever done that before, but I’d consider it. So she submitted this account for my review, which she titled, “The Candle Man.” Because it almost reads like a #ShortStorySaturday submission and gave me chills,Continue Reading

Do you subscribe to Coast to Coast AM emails? I do. It came in handy when I was looking for Haunted Headlines to share back when I was making those videos and posts. Inevitably Coast to Coast is always good for share-worthy headlines. Back in January, Coast to Coast sharedContinue Reading

We received a press release with some exciting information about three new series coming to Travel Channel: Mission Declassified, Portals to Hell, and America Unearthed. Here’s a quick intro to all of them. Further posts on each show coming soon. AWARD-WINNING JOURNALIST CHRISTOF PUTZEL DISCOVERS NEW EVIDENCE TO EXPLORE HISTORY’SContinue Reading