I discovered Lesia Miller Schnur, a.k.a. The Haunted Librarian, when both of us were named on Feedspot’s List of Top 50 Paranormal Blogs. Not everyone on that list appealed to my particular paranormal sensibilities, but I liked what I saw on her blog. I added her to the list of WordPressContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes. If you are intrigued by all things spooky and strange, you know that there are spirits out there looking to interact and engage with the living. When visiting a supernatural location like a haunted house, it is possible to sense deadContinue Reading

The other day I was finishing up some holiday shopping when I spotted these gigantic dog nutcrackers in TJ Maxx/Homegoods. And when I say gigantic I’m not kidding. Yes, I’m only 5’1″ so most everything and everyone towers over me, but these were even taller than my 6’2″ husband! Anyway,Continue Reading

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even Krampus or the elves. Wrong! Well, okay, I am writing this post with one week to go until Christmas, but Krampus and elves –and so much more!– are definitely stirring in A ChristmasContinue Reading

When it comes to the magical properties of crystals, many people might instinctively think about their healing abilities, their ability to cleanse negative energy from a room, or even help plants grow and blossom in ways water and sunlight alone never could. For others, crystals are a means of interactingContinue Reading

Thanks to a guest I had on my radio show earlier this year, Chris Verstraete, yes, I did know Lizzie Borden had another home. Under her nom de plume, C. A. Verstraete, Chris has written two books involving Lizzie Borden: The Haunting of Dr. Bowen: A Mystery in Lizzie Borden’s FallContinue Reading

Thanksgiving’s looming, Christmas is on the horizon, but are you missing all the horror and spookiness that Halloween has to offer? You know what I’m talking about. It’s the one time of the year when it’s okay to embrace our creepiness to the fullest. No judgments. Are you missing that?Continue Reading

Something strange is going on in your house — your jewelry is beginning to go missing, only to be discovered in the strangest of locations a few days later. Maybe your pets are watching, playing, or reacting to something you can’t see. You hear unusual noises in the hallway atContinue Reading

The following is a guest contribution from H. Davis. You hear a creak in the night. You see a shadow in the dark, and lights flicker from time to time. Unexplained noises can be heard throughout the house and when you go to investigate, there’s nothing. On certain days whenContinue Reading

Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video, make binge watching so easy, don’t they? Here’s our picks from each for the spookiest series to binge this Halloween. (Or anytime you’re craving something scary to lose yourself in.) Are any of your favorites on the list too? Any that areContinue Reading

As we learned from the most recent installment of Fey Fridays, the Halloween we know and love today originated back amongst the Celtics, in areas encompassing modern-day Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. Originally, this society saw November 1st to be the first day of the new year, andContinue Reading

With such a long history with witchcraft, witch trials, witches in popular culture, and more, it’s no wonder the black dress, pointed hat combo remains a popular staple in Halloween costume culture. There’s a big reason autumntime is referred to as the “season of the witch” too —  because itContinue Reading