In August 1969, America was shocked by one of the most disturbing and bizarre string of murders it had ever seen. Our news today might call what happened back then a “deadly home invasion.” For starters. Not sure what other sensational wordsmithery some clever journalist might concoct to describe it.Continue Reading

Christine (C.A.) Verstraete is the author of Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter. The Haunting of Dr. Bowen: A Mystery in Lizzie Borden’s Fall River (releasing August 4, 2017 and available for pre-order now), offers another view of the Borden murders –through the eyes of the Bordens’ neighbor and family physician, Dr.Continue Reading

Conjuring 2 poster

Like a lot of others, I’m not a huge fan of most franchise sequels. I find most are lame and are a gigantic let down. With a few exceptions, like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings series. And, I have to admit back in the Eighties whenContinue Reading

In July of this year, the Smithsonian posted a call for help in translating and transcribing three ancient texts, all of which revolve around witches. The first, Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits, is a documentarian novel by Increase Mather, a Puritan minister who, though he understood and championed burningContinue Reading

Please enjoy this guest contribution from Aaron about the infamous Jack the Ripper. Jack the Ripper terrorised the Whitechapel district in London’s East End during 1888. Since then, his name has been synonymous with terror and today he remains one of the World’s most infamous criminals and arguably the mostContinue Reading

Growing up 10 minutes outside of an Indian Reservation in the northwest US, I overheard my fair share of Native American lore, or at least, that of the particular nation that lived nearby. For the most part, these urban legends consisted of things like Water Babies (imagine my surprise whenContinue Reading

Burying a witch must be performed under the same cautionary conditions as burying a vampire — that is, going to extreme lengths to ensure they never come back again to haunt the town that put them underground in the first place. While vampires were buried with stakes to the heart,Continue Reading

  I wanted to believe the Blair Witch was a real thing, more than I’ve wanted anything else in the world, probably — and maybe she is, but I sure as heck can’t find any information on her and her story other than what’s being purported through the 1999 movie.Continue Reading

  Thanks to the entertainment media and basically just a whole bunch of misinformation, the Voodoo religion and Voodoo dolls have gotten a bit of a bad wrap in modern years. In movies, they’re portrayed as having ties to Satanism and other dark magic, being used to curse or bodilyContinue Reading

  We’ve already learned all the ways to either speak with the dead or accidentally give away the fact that you speak with the dead, but what if, instead of being a witch, you were just one of the villagers who wanted to live a calm, peaceful, witchcraft-free life? MaybeContinue Reading

According to our Weird Holidays & Observances calendar, June is National Camping Month. What better way to celebrate than with a post about a horror summer camp? We actually wrote about this company last year too. Fright Nights Campout specializes in adult horror summer camp experiences. They’re back again thisContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from H. Davis. (His bio follows the end of his post.) Enjoy! Although the small country of Belize is breathtakingly beautiful, it can also be an extremely dark place; spiritually, that is. The country suffers from corruption, black and white magic, voodoo, and of course,Continue Reading