At the beginning of last year, I wrote about a new vampire movie trying to be released called Midnight Son. One of the producers contacted me recently to let me know it had finally been released and where people could find it. As per the email, I’m pleased to passContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts is actively seeking paranormal events and true ghost stories for new pages and features we’re adding around here. PARANORMAL EVENTS As you may have noticed, Haunt Jaunts has spent some time this summer posting upcoming paranormal events each week. (Or every couple of weeks, depending on the frequencyContinue Reading

This is a guest article from Clint Henderson with 2MCCTV, where you can find security and surveillance cameras for your business of any size. They are a full service security integration solution. You can visit them at Ok, so some ghost caught on surveillance camera videos are a bitContinue Reading

A couple of weeks back when we went to see The Hunger Games, we saw a preview for Battleship. I’d seen the movie posters before that. They’d referenced, “Based on the Hasbro game.” Or something to that effect. Well, when I think of Battleship the game, I think of theContinue Reading

Guess what season it is? Still Winter, technically. Ha! Did I getcha? Seriously though, I can tell Spring is drawing near. Lately I’m seeing more and more horror and paranormal events being advertised, something that’s sort of dead in Winter (pun intended). Here’s the ones I’ve seen so far. IfContinue Reading

What a year it’s been! As 2011 draws to a close, the travel tally stands at: Four countries: Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Turkey Two continents: Europe and Asia (Three if you count flying over Greenland, which I’m inclined to do because (a) the pilot flew low enough for us toContinue Reading

Before we left for Turkey, I knew carpets and Turkish Delight would be popular commodities we’d find in Istanbul. We definitely saw lokum shops everywhere, and by the end of our trip we were expert at dodging the carpet salesmen. But we also found dark blue glass circles with lighterContinue Reading

Taner, one of the front desk staff at our hotel, was loaded with great tips. The one I liked best was when he suggested we check out the Basilica Cistern and look for Medusa. I’m a huge Greek and Roman mythology fan. Medusa immediately piqued my interest. We got directionsContinue Reading

Researching the paranormal in Istanbul via the Internet for our trip has proven to be no easy task. There is most definitely a shortage of links about haunted places there. However, I’ve found a few. 1. Two extraterrestrials were caught on tape in Istanbul The first thing I found wasContinue Reading

Guess what time it is? Giveaway time! Thanks to our sponsors, CrazyDog T-Shirts. They’ve generously offered up a free shirt for one lucky winner. THE PRIZES HOW TO PLAY It’s easy. Just do two things: Tell me which team you think would be the ultimate victor in a showdown betweenContinue Reading

  If you’ve followed me for a while now, you’ve likely realized how pokey I can be. If you haven’t, well…there you have it. I’m pokey, just so you know. Back at the start of the summer, I was fed up with my weight. I was looking for a newContinue Reading

Design Toscano is one of my favorite catalogs. I was a fan of their creations long before I signed up for their affiliate program. (Which is my way of making a disclaimer that if you click through and buy from any of the below links, you are supporting this site.Continue Reading