A new friend on Facebook, Karishma Patel, suggested I join the group “The Sky Has Fallen – New Horror Movie.” I’m always game to learn about new horror movies, so I checked it out. Once I did I not only joined the group but knew I’d have something to featureContinue Reading

On a recent trip to Carson City, Nevada, I couldn’t help but stop and check out Donner Pass. At the Donner Pass Memorial site is a tall monument with a few members of the party on top. Top of the monument is the height of the snow the year theContinue Reading

A PR person representing BBC America shared an inside look video about tonight’s second season premier of Being Human. I had never heard of the show, but this certainly caught my attention: This witty yet terrifying series follows three twenty-something’s and their secret double-lives – as a werewolf, a vampire,Continue Reading

I posted a new Discussions topic on the HJ FB Page: “Spirits Who Help: Ghosts or Angels?” Here’s what I posted there: I’ve been contemplating this for a long time. I always enjoy the Guardian Angel stories in Woman’s World, but am sometimes perplexed by Doreen Virtue’s suggestions. She oftenContinue Reading

Very fresh, and very latest news from Poland to every fan of cryptozoology – there’s possible that we have real Chupacabra activity here, in the very middle of Europe! Courtney was excited to hear about it on Twitter few hours ago, so I decided to give you more details throughContinue Reading