Dr. Neil Gammell collects eDNA samples from the waters of Loch Ness

Today Gary at Ghost Theory posted “The end of Nessie: Researchers fear Loch Ness monster may be dead.” Gary started off his article saying how, as a kid, the idea of the Loch Ness Monster fascinated him. Me too. But, also like Gary, the older I’ve gotten the less inclinedContinue Reading

It depends on who you talk to in Key West, but some know one of their more interesting characters as Robert the Haunted Doll, while others prefer to call him Robert the Enchanted Doll. No matter what adjective they ascribe to him, they all know about Robert the Doll. AsContinue Reading

This week for Friday Fun I’m deviating away from ghosts to feature my other passion: zombies. I found this next bit of fun via Javier Ortega’s post about “We’re Alive.” I came across it in my attempt to catch up on all the posts I’ve missed on the various blogsContinue Reading

If all has gone as planned, today we should be docked in Key West. (I must confess. I actually wrote this before we left to post while we’re gone. That’s why the “if all has gone as planned” statement.) At any rate, I thought since I was in Florida, I’dContinue Reading

Today’s Movie Monday feature, Death Do Us Part, comes to me courtesy of friend and fellow writer Lisa Logan. In addition to writing fiction, she’s also a Senior Acquisitions Editor for Eternal Press and partner in crime with her husband Mike in their film company, Dragonfyre Entertainment. They actually wrote,Continue Reading

I thought I’d explore something a little different for Friday Fun today: the demise of scary monsters. As some of you are aware I’m nuts for zombies. I think movies and books based on them are great fun. I also think they’re one of the last of the remaining “classic”Continue Reading

This week both Autumnforest of Ghost Hunting Theories and Julie at Above the Norm made posts concerning Chernobyl. Good topic as it was also the subject of one of the investigations on Destination Truth this week. In fact, Julie’s post was about the DT episode. Autumnforest’s was a video fromContinue Reading

One day I’d like to Haunt Jaunt across the pond to the UK. Yesterday I came across an article that would help me focus my jaunts when I do. Nigel Bunyan of the Telegraph wrote an article “More ghosts appear in Kent than elsewhere in UK, finds research.” It wasContinue Reading

Recently I’ve run into a string of of Haunt Jaunts with ghosts named Lydia. The first time I noticed it was when I wrote about the Blake Street Vault. They have a ghost named Lydia. The name stood out at me because I have a friend named Lydia. In fact, she’sContinue Reading

I was talking to a friend the other day about HauntJaunts.net and he said, “Ghosts can follow you home. You don’t want to be messing with seeking them out, Courtney. That’s bad stuff.” That’s a concept I’ve seen addressed on some of the TV shows that deal with ghosts andContinue Reading