Georgia guidestones

Did you have any idea that the Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, Georgia, was such a controversial landmark? I didn’t. Really all I knew about them was thanks to a guest post from Lewis Powell IV. Here’s what he wrote about them in part 3 of his “Haunted Georgia: A PrimerContinue Reading

Man holding dowsing rods in forest

“Water witches” have traditionally used dowsing rods to find water. The practice goes by many names, including simply “dowsing” or by more colorful monikers like “doodlebugging” or “water witching.” But water isn’t the only thing some say dowsing rods can locate. As the Farmers’ Almanac put it, “some practitioners useContinue Reading

Interpretation of Amityville and Bell Witch renderings with demonic images

Amityville. The Bell Witch. Is there anything demonic happening in either case? Or maybe both? That’s what supernatural folklorist Victoria Jaye examines in this exceptional guest post. Enjoy! Reevaluating Amityville & The Bell Witch: Demonic or Not? By Victoria Jaye I decided to examine The Bell Witch legend and TheContinue Reading

Amarillo Zoo Creature caught on camera from City of Amarillo Tweet

On June 8, the City of Amarillo tweeted a snapshot from a surveillance camera of a mysterious-looking creature caught lurking outside the fence of the Amarillo Zoo. Well, maybe lurking is too strong a word. Maybe all it was doing was walking right on by. Anyway, thanks to coverage fromContinue Reading

Mock up of Molly Mae postcard example

Mason Cox received the first postcard signed by the mysterious Molly Mae in March of this year. Then over the next month, he received four more. They were postmarked from two different states, but all were signed by “Molly Mae.” Well, technically the first postcard’s signature was typed and signedContinue Reading

Memphis Beale Street at night

Memphis is more commonly associated with blues and BBQ. However, just as he’s done in part 1 and part 2 of this special series, Chaz CMP is going to explore a Bluff City connection with chaos magic and rap. Part 3: The Memphis Rap Saga By Chaz CMP In theContinue Reading


In the first part of this special series, guest contributor Chaz CMP explored how some rappers are embracing chaos magic. One of the artists he mentioned was the late Florida rapper Xxxtentacion, or X (as is easier to refer to him). What’s the story of X’s demise? Did he discoverContinue Reading

man rapping into microphone

In his first guest contribution, Chaz CMP guided us through the unchartered territory of Palo Mayombe and human sacrifice in Mexico. At least, human sacrifice was somewhere we’d never ventured before around here at Haunt Jaunts. We’re excited to welcome him back for a special three-part series about chaos magic.Continue Reading

Skull on an altar as perhaps an offering of human sacrifice

Thanks to a guest contribution from Chaz CMP, we’re going to take a little detour and explore something we never really have before here at Haunt Jaunts. He’ll guide us into a world where black magic, cartels, and true crime meet. Specifically, he’s taking us into the realm of humanContinue Reading

Mystic Chicks fortune-telling chicken with sign

Have you ever had your fortune told? If you answered “yes,” I’m going to use my powers of deduction and say it was probably done by a person. (No trick there. Chances were in my favor on that guess.) But have you ever heard of the Mystic Chicks of DelContinue Reading

Man vampire teeth

  Perhaps you’ve heard the term “satanic panic” to describe America’s fear and fascination with the Devil from the 1970s to the 1990s. In this post, guest contributor Missy Lathrop explores another “panic” that once gripped America, a “vampanic,” in this intriguing examination of New England vampire stories.  Enjoy! NewContinue Reading

Alfred Hitchcock Day

One of the dates on the Weird Holidays & Observances page that has always intrigued me but that I’ve never investigated is Alfred Hitchcock Day. It’s celebrated annually on March 12. Although, maybe “celebrated” is too grandiose a description? I’m not sure how many people even know Alfred Hitchcock DayContinue Reading