Frightful Photo Friday: The Cottingley Fairies
Elsie and I are very friendly with the beck Fairies. It is funny I never used to see them in Africa. It must be too hot for them there.Continue Reading
Elsie and I are very friendly with the beck Fairies. It is funny I never used to see them in Africa. It must be too hot for them there.Continue Reading
Years ago plans were put into place for Haunt Jaunts to also become a radio show. (Oh yes, one year I had had big plans indeed: radio show, calendar, tons of travel. Ah, those were the good old days.) Anyway, I chickened out of the radio show. I didn’t thinkContinue Reading
In last week’s photo installment we talked about The Myths Surrounding Post Mortem Photography. Today, we’re going to continue in this same time frame of the Victorian era and daguerreotype photography, but instead of the dead, we’re going to focus on the most energetic and lively of people: children. AsContinue Reading
I love anything vintage. Literally anything. Vintage homes, vintage clothing, vintage decorations, just the overall vintage aesthetic and you can count me in. And so, naturally, when I first stumbled upon Post Mortem Photography (also known as Memorial Photography and Mourning Portraits), I was immediately enamoured by the history. (JustContinue Reading
We’re excited to introduce you to our newest contributing writer: Kelsey Morgan. Here’s a little bit about Kelsey in her own words: I’m a big fan of everything supernatural/scary/unsettling, and I could write movie reviews, TV show reviews (Ghost Adventures is a joke but honestly, it’s also my jam), asContinue Reading
We decided to add something new to our Calendar of Odd Dates: birthdays and deathiversaries. Whose birthdays and deathiversaries did we add? Great question! We’re talking heavyweights who have created some beloved classic horror movies (both producers, directors and writers), as well as beloved horror book authors. But it’s notContinue Reading
Just a quick note to let those who have been faithfully participating in our Caption This contests know that we’re taking a hiatus from them for the rest of 2016. We may resume them again in 2017 OR we may introduce some kind of fun new monthly challenge. You neverContinue Reading
Just a quick post to let whoever might care know that we’re back on Instagram. We were briefly on Instagram a long time ago when it was first launched. We deleted our account for some reason. (I think something to do with some of the Terms of Use wording?) SomeContinue Reading
We’re almost done with our renovations around here. Almost. One more big addition is in the works, but let’s recap all we’ve done so far: Part 1 started with adding our Writers Wanted section. Part 2 saw changes to the Haunted Places, Ghost Tours and Paracons sections. We didn’t labelContinue Reading
Did you know that August 30 is Frankenstein Day? Neither did we, until we stumbled across it on Holiday Insights, one of the Sources we used to create a brand new section here on Haunt Jaunts: Weird Holidays and Observances. It’s a calendar of the strange that’s geared towards anythingContinue Reading
Starting this Saturday, guest blogger Psychic Investigator Paul Fitz-George will join Haunt Jaunts as he shares his six part series, “Whitby’s Fascination for the Literati or how Dracula met the Jabberwocky.” (We’re just calling it the Whitby Series.) Mr. Fitz-George caught my attention on a LinkedIn group we both belongContinue Reading
We’re beyond pleased to announce that we’ve added a new contributor to our midst: Lewis Powell IV. If his name looks familiar, that’s because Lewis has contributed guest blogs here before. Specifically, his Haunted Georgia: A Primer series. Lewis Powell IV’s Haunted Georgia: A Primer Series – Part 1 LewisContinue Reading
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