Schooled by Ghosts what spirits can teach you

Something I’ve been passionate about for a long time is using paranormal travel (what I fondly refer to as “haunt jaunts”) as a teaching tool. There are at least 13 (but probably even more) things you can learn by traveling to haunted places, from history and architecture to geography, languages,Continue Reading

Zak Bagans Haunted Museum Sign

This Halloween season Zak Bagans is offering unprecedented access to his museum with Haunted Museum flashlight tours and a ghost hunting experience. The Late Night Flashlight Ghost Tour Experience will allow 20 people free-reign of the museum after hours in total darkness for one and a half hours. Zak andContinue Reading

hand holding k2 meter equipment used for ghost hunting

There were so many interesting questions that Travel Channel stars Amy Bruni, Cindy Kaza, Katrina Weidman and Chelsea Laden answered during their press conference call to promote their Comic-Con@Home panel, “Wonder Women: Superstars of Paranormal.” I’ve covered everything from their role models to their stance on social media and pointsContinue Reading

old books and skull over black

During the press conference call with Travel Channel stars Amy Bruni, Cindy Kaza, Katrina Weidman and Chelsea Laden to promote their Comic-Con@Home panel “Wonder Women: Superstars of Paranormal,” Allison Jornlin asked a couple of great questions. The first was to inquire about who their female paranormal role models might be,Continue Reading

Lorraine Warren at "The Conjuring" Los Angeles Premiere, Cinerama Dome, Hollywood, CA 07-15-13

On Thursday, July 23, Travel Channel stars Amy Bruni, Cindy Kaza, Katrina Weidman and Chelsea Laden will participate on the Comic-Con@Home panel “Wonder Women: Superstars of Paranormal.” On Monday, July 20, they had a press conference to promote their panel. I wasn’t able to attend, but Travel Channel graciously hookedContinue Reading

The Oman House

The other day David Oman reached out to me about a three day live Oman House streaming event he’s doing August 7-9, 2020. It’s going to be similar to the Conjuring House live stream, but also different. Here’s a Tweet he posted about it: Wanted to see if anyone wouldContinue Reading

415 Howe Avenue Conti Building where the Inter-Dimensional Paranormal Museum will be

Even amidst the coronavirus crisis, new haunted life is blooming.  Specifically, a new paranormal museum/research center is about to be born in the United States. The paranormal investigation team Ghost Storm is set to open the Inter-Dimensional Paranormal Museum and Study in Shelton, Connecticut. The grand opening is scheduled forContinue Reading

Two inconsistencies with Washington's Demon Cat story

On July 4th I posted “The White House’s Basement Demon Cat That Foretells Disaster.” Afterward, I realized something I’d shared from my research couldn’t be true about the Demon Cat story. Then someone on Instagram posted a comment that pointed out another potential mistake. Did you catch them too? IfContinue Reading

Circled aerial view map of Cleveland Tennessee area

Almost 10 years ago I wrote a post wondering where Cleveland, Tennessee’s, haunted Green’s Caverns were. Legend had it that a reaper-like shadowy figure lived in the caverns and could often be seen around them. A reader named Christy had left a comment asking for help locating it: Can someoneContinue Reading

Old West Wanted poster with advice and two ghosts wearing cowboy hats

During my Paranormal Day Paracon Livestream with Alex Matsuo, a viewer asked for some advice. Chanda Lanier wrote: “If they don’t cancel I’m attending a ghost hunt with an all female group of paranormal researchers in Nashville in July….or later if rescheduled. What’s the best things I can do priorContinue Reading

The House In Between Cover

Steve Gonsalves says The House in Between is a paranormal game-changer. I think it raises the benchmark –on both paranormal documentaries and investigations. The Movie Ahead of my interview with the documentary’s producers, Kendall Whelpton and Steve G., I had a chance to screen the film before it was availableContinue Reading

Rhode Island Conjuring House The Farm on Round Top Road

Are you curious to investigate the Conjuring House? Or, rather, the house that inspired The Conjuring movie? Nerdist reported that during the week of May 9, the house is opening its doors to visitors –virtual visitors, that is, via a live stream. The House: A Week-Long Live Streaming Paracon TheContinue Reading