What’s the best EVP you ever heard? Were you instantly convinced it was a disembodied voice from someone deceased? I don’t remember the first EVP I ever heard. I wish I did. I wish I remembered who had captured it, where it came from, and what it said. I doContinue Reading

The other night I had the shock of my life. It was just after 10 p.m. I was trying to clean up a bit and get things in order for the next day before I headed to bed. I walked into the office to put some papers on my deskContinue Reading

A while back Jason Stromming from The Occult Section wrote about how a community college cancelled its ghost hunter course. The course was called “Paranormal Investigations: Communicating and Cohabiting with Spirits” and was among the “fun” courses the college had to cut. (Due to budget issues and needing to focus onContinue Reading

If you’ve either investigated yourself or watched any of the ghost hunting shows, you’ve likely encountered a “Get out!” EVP. Most people assume it’s a ghost’s way of perhaps not-so-politely asking the living to scram. It could be. Sometimes the “Get out!” comes in response to a direct question, such as “DoContinue Reading

As I’m preparing to embark on our next cruise adventure, this time to the Western Carribean, I’m recalling the lessons learned after our Key West/Bahamas cruise. Namely, what a pain it was trying to get disposable waterproof camera film developed. Not going through that hassle again. I’m on a quest toContinue Reading

I kind of want a new camera for Christmas. Sort of. I’ve really developed a fascination with both photography and videography lately so I’m torn about whether I want a new camera or a camcorder. OLD CAMERA I’ve never had a camcorder before. I only got my first digital camera a fewContinue Reading

Marilyn, one of HJ’s Facebook fans, asked about Psychometry the other day. Here’s what I told her: YES, I actually know someone who has that talent. Sharon/Autumnforest of the blog Ghost Hunting Theories. Here’s a link (hopefully it works) to all the blog’s she’s written about it. http://autumnforestghosthunter.blogspot.com/#uds-search-results Another personContinue Reading

My husband and I don’t have kids, but I got to thinking today how, if we did, what a great teaching tool Haunt Jaunts would make. Check out the various lessons that could be taught: HISTORY LESSONS   Some kids find history dull. Others love it. I was one ofContinue Reading