silhouette of a zombie man and a letter z

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Recently I learned what Z Day is and why it’s observed on January 1. I’m pretty sure I listed it on the Weird Holidays & Observances page because I thought it had to do with zombies. Nope. Although, Z Day isContinue Reading

Happy Holidays from Haunt Jaunts

I didn’t make much hoopla about it, but Haunt Jaunts turned 10 in 2019. Which means I’m now 10 Years in the Clear. (And 10 years older. Never imagined I’d be so excited about something like that! lol) I didn’t know what I was doing when I launched my blogContinue Reading

Creepy scary Santa holding open a dirty bag in a menacing way

I was late updating the Christmas Haunted Houses on the Halloween Cons & Haunted House Events page this year, so I’m late getting this post out. Several haunts were open the weekend of December 6th and 7th to celebrate Krampusnacht. (December 5th every year. It’s one of my favorite listingsContinue Reading

Aloisius the beer angel

One of the October’s weird days is not so very weird, but kind of nice: Guardian Angels Day on October 2. When we ate at the Bavarian Bierhaus in Nashville earlier this year, I noticed something I hadn’t other times we’d eaten there: Aloisius. He was floating above the tablesContinue Reading

Fall Forest Leaves October Days

Spooky types generally associate October with the scariest day of the year –Halloween. (Or am I just speaking for myself?) And a mainstream campaign that gets lots of attention each October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But there’s many monthly, weekly and daily celebrations happening in October. (Besides the weird,Continue Reading

Fox bat

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here. Every year International Bat Night falls on the last full weekend in August, which means for 2019 it’s August 24-25. (And in case you’re wondering. Yep. This is one of the things I have listed on the Weird Holidays & ObservancesContinue Reading

Save Halloween trick or treat witch dog in ghost costume holding jack-o-lantern

When I called out the Halloween & Costume Association’s mission to move Halloween, I said, “I’d sign a Save Halloween petition. In fact, I’m so riled up about this I just may start one…” So I did. The Save Halloween Petition Here’s the argument I made for keeping Halloween asContinue Reading

Happy Halloween Trick or Treat Graphic

Have you heard about the surprising organization petitioning to move Halloween? Well, I found it surprising because they have “Halloween” in their name. It’s the Halloween & Costume Association. Essentially, they wanted to move Halloween to the last Saturday in October. They started the Move Halloween petition in 2018. OriginallyContinue Reading

The Holzer Files cast Shane Pittman, Dave Schrader and Cindy Kaza

Travel Channel’s Ghostober 2018 was apparently the network’s highest-rated yet. Looks like they’re trying to top it with Ghostober 2019 programming. The month-long event promises to up the thrills and chills with 31 days of the network’s most wicked and blood-curdling premieres yet. Says Matthew Butler, Travel Channel’s general manager:Continue Reading

The Kraken Black Spiced Rum Longest Nightmare logo

Some places are celebrating midsummer’s arrival on June 21 with scary summer solstice events. For instance, spooky summer camps abound in the U.S., and there’s the two week-long Summer Hauntings at the Lit & Phil in the U.K. Some say the Northern Hemisphere’s longest day of the year is alsoContinue Reading

The Haunted Mansion 50th Header

This year the Haunted Mansion turns 50 (along with Scooby Doo and Sesame Street). I’ve been waiting for announcements of some sort of hoopla. Because I knew some had to be coming. No way would they let that major milestone go uncelebrated. Well, the other day I saw a postContinue Reading

Winchester Mystery House

If you have a history and paranormal loving woman in your life, what better way to honor her than with Mother’s Day Brunch at the Winchester Mystery House? Which, if you don’t live anywhere near there, might also include a trip to the great state of California. #Bonus. Anyway, IContinue Reading