Magnifying glass over ghostly figures

At the end of last year I came across an article that inspired me to add a new date to the Weird Holidays & Observances listings. The article was “15 Weird Forgotten Holidays We Should Totally Bring Back” on ViraLuck. The date was April 24, St. Mark’s Eve. Which sounds prettyContinue Reading

April isn’t as busy as February was with the Valentine’s Day haunted houses, or as March with the St. Patrick’s Day haunted houses (which there were a lot more of this year). However, April still holds it’s own with, what else? Spring Break and Easter-themed haunted houses. Here’s some seasonalContinue Reading

How are you feeling about winter right now? Are you ready to send it packing? Maybe burn a snowman? You might if you live in a cold climate, one that measures winter temperatures in degrees below zero and feet of snow. You might even have a Snowman Burning Festival nearContinue Reading

Does a haunted house or a ghost tour with a St. Patrick’s Day twist sound fun to you? If your idea of a spirited St. Pat’s Day includes terrifying banshees and creepy leprechauns, you’re in luck. I’ve consolidated listings from both the Ghost Tours & Ghost Hunting Events and HalloweenContinue Reading

I’m excited to introduce a brand new page in the Find Cons & Events family: Halloween & Haunted House Events. But I have to admit, the name is a bit misleading. Halloween haunted houses is right there in the name, but it doesn’t list Halloween Halloween haunted houses. “What areContinue Reading

Want to have a killer date night for Valentine’s Day 2019? Using the Ghost Tour and Ghost Hunting Events listings, (which includes more than ghost tours and hunts, such as off-season open haunted houses like the ones I’m sharing here), I came up with 61 haunted houses in 26 statesContinue Reading

The last couple of years I basically abandoned the Ghost Tour & Ghost Hunting Events page. At least here on the site. Last year I did note that while the page was taking a temporary hiatus, events were still being shared on HJ’s Eerie Events and Paracons Facebook Group. Well,Continue Reading

Snowstorm Goals 2019: Snow Nessie Although it will barely break freezing tomorrow, the Atlanta area isn’t projected to get any measurable amount of snow in the coming weeks. That’s too bad since I’ve decided on my 2019 snowstorm goal: Snow Nessie. A family in Warrensburg, Missouri, created a giant LochContinue Reading

  As it does every year, HAuNTcon kicks off the Halloween New Year in January. This year it will once again be running consecutively (side-by-side, in fact) with the Halloween & Party Expo in New Orleans, Louisiana January 25-27, 2019. What happens at this thing called HAuNTcon? It’s mostly aContinue Reading

What do you celebrate? Around here we celebrate secular Christmas, but there are all types of celebrations happening this time of year. Because of that, we keep our greetings to a generic, PC, Happy Holidays. But our wish is not generic at all. We are truly thankful for you. It’sContinue Reading

One of the dates I love on the  Weird Holiday & Observances page is December 5, Krampusnacht. I guess because it’s a good dose of Halloween-ish spookiness with a Christmas twist? I don’t know, but it’s creepy so I love it. It’s also why any kind of Krampus-related activities pique myContinue Reading