Would you eat barbecue and stay at the gas station that was in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? “I don’t know. Would I? Probably. What does that say about me? Why do such sick things thrill me?” That’s what ran through my head when I spotted an article about the gasContinue Reading

How’d you like to spend a spooky sleepover at the San Francisco Dungeon for Halloween? Well, you can’t now. But if you’d been in the know and had been lucky enough to book in time, you could’ve had the chance to do it. On October 19, a friend forwarded meContinue Reading

Have you heard about the USA Today 10 Best Readers’ Choice Awards?  I discovered it when curating links to add to this coming week’s Haunted Headlines. Specifically, it was a link that led me to the vote for your favorite haunted destination. Of course I had to check that out andContinue Reading

If you happen to visit the South of England soon, then you should make sure you pay a visit to Bel & the Dragon in Odiham, Hampshire.   The Hotel is a Grade 2 listed building and a former inn, with features dating back to 1540 and situated in the beautiful historic village of Odiham. You could, ifContinue Reading

In January, we had a day layover in Los Angeles before we flew to Singapore. Perfect excuse to do something I’d long been wanting to do: book a room and stay aboard The Queen Mary. Other than to see it as we boarded a Carnival cruise from the cruise portContinue Reading

Thanks to a guest I had on my radio show earlier this year, Chris Verstraete, yes, I did know Lizzie Borden had another home. Under her nom de plume, C. A. Verstraete, Chris has written two books involving Lizzie Borden: The Haunting of Dr. Bowen: A Mystery in Lizzie Borden’s FallContinue Reading

According to our Weird Holidays & Observances calendar, June is National Camping Month. What better way to celebrate than with a post about a horror summer camp? We actually wrote about this company last year too. Fright Nights Campout specializes in adult horror summer camp experiences. They’re back again thisContinue Reading

The guest for the Haunt Jaunts radio show on Tuesday March 21, 2017 is Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter author Chris Verstraete. (Who writes as C.A. Verstraete.) Chris also happens to be a long time friend of mine. (I wanted to get acclimated to this radio hosting gig with people IContinue Reading

Scariest Places on Earth Anchor Inn Demon screengrab

Before I talk about the Anchor Inn Exorcism on Season 1, Episode 1 of Scariest Places on Earth (remember that show?), let me tell you what sparked this story. As anyone who follows HJ on social media knows, this past weekend I attended HAuNTcon. Met some creepy cool people andContinue Reading

The theme in my social media feeds the past week has been “haunted places that require waivers before you’re allowed in.” Okay, so maybe I’m exaggerating a little. So far I’ve had friends share just two such places with me, both Spooky Stays. But two haunted hotels in one weekContinue Reading

The Lone Star Spooks Facebook page shared a link from Week In Weird whose title says it all: “Colorado’s Famously Haunted Stanley Hotel to Cease all Paranormal Investigations and Events.” In a blow to ghost fans (and the local economy), the haunted Stanley Hotel is cutting ties with the paranormal:Continue Reading

Thanks to Twitter I learned about the Hotel Vendome’s Ghost Camp. Last week, @vendomehotel sent me a DM with the link to their event. Score another one for Twitter! Love the way it hooks me up with cool people, places, and events. Actually, I’m already familiar with both Prescott, theContinue Reading