The Missouri State Penitentiary

Haunted places like the Winchester Mystery Museum and the 1886 Crescent Hotel re-opened for business on May 15 with new social distancing safety measures in place. As more states have begun re-opening and easing restrictions, we’re starting to see more and more haunted places announcing they’re re-opening too, like theContinue Reading

Hotel Paranormal poster

All week the haunted headlines have been buzzing about the new Canadian docuseries, Hotel Paranormal, starring Dan Aykroyd of Ghostbusters fame. It’s set to premiere tonight, May 15, on T+E, which stands for Totally Entertaining. It’s a channel that broadcasts all sorts of dramas and series, including ones about theContinue Reading

Lady in black Victorian clothing standing in a window with a candle

Coronavirus lockdown restrictions are easing in a lot of places, including California and Arkansas where the Winchester Mystery House and the 1886 Crescent Hotel are located, respectively. Both places recently announced they’re reopening starting Friday, May 15. But they’re not going directly back to business as usual. Let’s look atContinue Reading

360 degree walk through graphic of Winchester Mystery House

Have you ever wanted to explore the Winchester Mystery House at your leisure with no crowds or restricted access? Thanks to their new 360 Walk Through experience you can! Video Access Tour The Winchester Mystery House has come up with some great offerings during this coronavirus quarantine crisis we findContinue Reading

Urquhart Castle on the shores of Loch Ness

The other night I spent time going through some of my travel photos and I couldn’t help but wonder, “What’s tourism going to look like after coronavirus lockdown ends?” Because one of the things I immediately noticed were the crowds we’ve encountered on a lot of our jaunts. Tourist DestinationsContinue Reading

Dorian Deathly

In this week’s Haunted Headlines, one of the stories I shared was about Dorian Deathly after I saw a story about him in The York Press. According to his Twitter account, Dorian Deathly is a “grimly curious tour guide residing in the city of York.” Pre-COVID-19, you could find himContinue Reading

Zak Bagans Haunted Museum Sign

Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum hopped on the COVID-19 closure bandwagon this week, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The Proverbial Closed Sign Here’s the Tweet from Twitter: Zak Bagans’ The Haunted Museum is temporarily suspending all operations as of today until further notice: — Zak Bagans’ The Haunted MuseumContinue Reading

Aerial view of Winchester Mystery House with their l

Like most other tourist destinations, the Winchester Mystery House is closed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. However, they had an exciting story in the newsletter they sent out today. At least, it was exciting to me. A way to take a virtual tour of the house. Even better? OtherContinue Reading

Side by side collage of the facades of the Alaskan Hotel and the Historic Anchorage Hotel

Personally, I don’t think Juneau’s Alaskan Hotel is more haunted than the Historic Anchorage Hotel. However, I see why it’s showing up on Travel Channel shows like Portals to Hell and The Alaska Triangle. Some of the paranormal activity reported there is pretty dark and frightening. (Especially the report aboutContinue Reading

Nightshades Paranormal Museum storefront

Green Bay Ghost Tours owner Tim Freiss recently decided to add on to his hauntrepreneur empire by opening a paranormal museum. According to, in addition to haunted items, Freiss also has “tribal spirit statues and masks, Tibetan shaman spiritual instruments, voodoo and witch related items.” It’s small and forContinue Reading

Cute but creepy baby doll in black and white.

Have you been to Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum? If so, I need your help. If not, you can still help. Pass this along to all your para loving friends and encourage them to pass it along. I’m looking for people who have visited the Haunted Museum and word-of-mouth on thisContinue Reading

A cell at Alcatraz showing the mechanics of how the doors opened and closed

No one commented on the Alcatraz Listening Experiment post here on the blog, but people weighed in on social media. All of the comments reflected what I thought I initially heard, or that I heard others around me on the tour say they thought it sounded like. Curiously, no oneContinue Reading