The last couple of years I basically abandoned the Ghost Tour & Ghost Hunting Events page. At least here on the site. Last year I did note that while the page was taking a temporary hiatus, events were still being shared on HJ’s Eerie Events and Paracons Facebook Group. Well,Continue Reading

  The Netflix original television series Dark Tourist (2018) follows David Farrier, a New Zealand journalist, globe trotting in search of “dark tourist” tourist attractions. “Dark Tourism” is a sub-genre of tourism focusing on historical locations where death and tragedy occurred. People have always been traveling to such locations; however, the seriesContinue Reading

Phantom of the Opera really has nothing to do with Madame Morbid’s Trolley Tours –apart from the fact that I found it via the TodayTix app, which I had downloaded to try and find discounted tickets to Phantom. On Broadway. Because I was in New York City and had someContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from Adelina Benson. Are stereotypes stopping you from seeing the world? You are not alone. However, there are some stereotypes you have to abandon quickly and visit these amazing countries: Germany Most people see Germany as a country of workaholics who don’t know how toContinue Reading

Recently I wrote about how the haunted Old South Pittsburgh Hospital is preparing to reopen. It was fun to revisit some of my old posts from way back when I had explored there. Like the four experiences I had on the third floor, and the K2 craziness in the basement,Continue Reading

Snowstorm Goals 2019: Snow Nessie Although it will barely break freezing tomorrow, the Atlanta area isn’t projected to get any measurable amount of snow in the coming weeks. That’s too bad since I’ve decided on my 2019 snowstorm goal: Snow Nessie. A family in Warrensburg, Missouri, created a giant LochContinue Reading

Old South Pittsburgh Hospital will always hold a special spooky place in my heart. It’s where I lost my ghost hunting virginity. That’s why an article on the Haunted Librarian’s site last year caught my eye: Old South Pittsburg Hospital Shut Down. Say what? I had investigated there in 2010. SinceContinue Reading

If you’re a Disney fan, you likely do. If not, maybe you’re even wondering, “Mouse ears? What in the heck does that mean?” You know. As in Mickey Mouse ears? The above is an example of the classic Mickey Mouse hat I grew up with. These days headbands seem toContinue Reading

Twice in just over six months I’ve been lucky enough to visit one of my most favorite cities: San Francisco. However, every time I’ve gone, I’ve wound up at the Musée Méchanique. This time was no different. Except, I told myself I wasn’t going there this trip. Which disappointed myContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes. Castles have been around for over 1000 years since the first one was built in Germany. More than a thousand continue to this day with most being located all around Europe, Asia, and Africa with a few elsewhere. Castles have beenContinue Reading

The last half of 2018 saw some exciting developments on the paranormal front. Namely, two new historic –and haunted– locations opened for business. Not only that, both are super para-friendly. Let’s take a quick peek at both, shall we? Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary – Petros, Tennessee It’s got a bitContinue Reading