Encounters poster

“I’m—I’m shit scared. I’m terrified,”  Kudzanai says in “Believers,” the second episode of Netflix’s four-part docuseries Encounters. That’s how he felt following his sighting. He and his brother Tapfu were among the over 60 students who reported seeing a UFO and mysterious being during break time at the Ariel SchoolContinue Reading

Still of soldiers from Mission Unexplained

The recent shoot-downs of mystery crafts over American and Canadian airspace have reignited the mania for extraterrestrials and Unidentified Flying Objects/Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UFOs/UAPs). So many are asking: what’s going on up there? Cottage Life’s latest original series Mission Unexplained hopes to provide some answers. Mission Unexplained includes accounts fromContinue Reading

Screen grab of Unsolved Mysteries volume 3 cover from Netflix phone app

Personally, whether they deal with anything paranormal or not, I feel every episode of Unsolved Mysteries is pretty haunting. Not knowing what happened to someone —be it how exactly they died, or where they disappeared to in the case of missing persons— is very haunting. Especially the way the producersContinue Reading