For today’s “Get a load of this while I’m on vacation” offering I present to you a YouTube clip of the Vatican City Ghost. My friend James sent me a YouTube link about a Canadian who went to Europe for his summer vacation and “caught a ghost” on his videoContinue Reading

You know you live in the 21st century when you can purchase Halloween Video Decorations. If you’re like I was before I understood what they were, you might be asking, “What the heck is a Halloween video decoration?” I’ve never seen one in real life. Like how I found theContinue Reading

Today’s “Get a load of this while I’m on vacation” post came courtesy to me via one of HJ’s newest Halloween Blog Party guests, Merricat from Blackwood. She left a comment on my post “The Real Housewives on Ghost Hunters?”about a group of ladies known as the Paranormal Housewives. ApparentlyContinue Reading

Among the theme days happening on Twitter on Tuesdays is Travel Tuesdays. As part of my “I’m on vacation, check this out in my absence” mission, I thought it be great to steer you to some of my favorite travel blogs and haunted places sites. I’ve listed them below inContinue Reading

Thanks to my friend Autumnforest of Ghost Hunting Theories I’m on the distribution list for Ghost Adventures sneak peek info. Here’s the scoop I got the other day: NEW GHOST ADVENTURES SPECIALS ON SEPTEMBER 10th Best Evidence So Far at 9 E/P Scariest Moments Special at 10 E/P NEW SEASONContinue Reading

I’m taking a break from my regularly scheduled programming (if I even really have such a thing?) to write about the very special box that came in the mail from one of my very dearest of friends, Mommy D. (You might know her as Dinell, the mastermind behind Mommy D’sContinue Reading

I have creepy dolls on the brain this weekend. Robert the doll started it. But I’m not the only one. Jessica and Andrea (of Ghost Stories and Haunted Places and Ghost Stories, respectively) also have creepy haunted dolls on their brains too. (See “Robert, The Cursed Doll” and “Robert TheContinue Reading

I was really excited to be a part of ChateauGrrr’s “Cruise Against Lymphoma Raffle.” In case you’re not familiar, the concept was buy a $25 raffle ticket for a chance to win a $1,300 cabin aboard the 2010 Gothic Cruise. I thought it was a neat idea and set outContinue Reading

As I was watching King of the Lost World this morning on Syfy I saw an ad for the new season of Ghost Hunters starting August 25. I did a double take when I saw who some of their special guests were going to be: some of the ladies fromContinue Reading

Andrea Alison, who blogs on both Ghost Stories and Southern Writemares, stopped by the other day and left a comment on one of my posts letting me know she had an award for me. Specifically, the “Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits” award. The ‘Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits’ award isContinue Reading

“Believers” isn’t a movie, but it involves ghosts on a screen of sorts so I figured it’d make a good topic for Movie Monday. If you’re a fan of the show, you may already follow “Believers” on Facebook. If you do, then you probably also know their show got pickedContinue Reading

A PR person representing BBC America shared an inside look video about tonight’s second season premier of Being Human. I had never heard of the show, but this certainly caught my attention: This witty yet terrifying series follows three twenty-something’s and their secret double-lives – as a werewolf, a vampire,Continue Reading