The Lost Finale sparked as much talk as its sensational first season series opener. Heaven knows Lost sparked more questions than just about any other show in the history of TV ever has. That’s why the finale was so controversial. Fans expected it to be crucial to wrapping everything up.Continue Reading

The series finale of Lost. I can’t believe it’s over. They’ve strung us fans along for how many years now? And all for what reason? Will we finally find out tonight? I decided to finally utilize the Discussion feature on HJ’s FB fan page with this topic: The end ofContinue Reading

Last week’s Follow Friday list went pretty well so I decided to do it again this week. Yes, I realize it’s Saturday. Yes, I’m a day late and already blowing the rhythm I’d hoped to get into. What can I say? I’m rhythmically challenged! At any rate, I wanted toContinue Reading

Last week I saw an ad for a really cool looking new show coming to NBC this summer: Persons Unknown. It looks like freaky, mind-bending fun. The clip I saw (the first one below) immediately grabbed my attention. It reminded me of a dream I once had where I endedContinue Reading

I’m really excited to introduce my next interview subject(s): husband and wife writing team Joyce and Jim Lavene. Talk about a prolific pair! They’re newest book is A Timely Vision. I think you’ll understand why it interested me based on my questions below. For those who may not be familiarContinue Reading

I’m going to try something a bit different this Friday and see how it goes. In addition to doing my normal Follow Friday (a.k.a. #FF) shout outs on Twitter, I’m going to borrow from the Follow Friday List idea I read about on Social Media Commando and saw in actionContinue Reading

My buddy Steve Fernino, who among his many claims to fame is an investigator with CT Soul Seekers and Director of Paranormal Research Groups, sent me an invite on Facebook to a TOWN HALL meeting on Ethics in the Paranormal Field. It’s this Friday from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.Continue Reading

I want to give a quick congratulatory shout out to Kailey Bell, winner of Sniplits‘ First Narrator of the Year. You might be wondering: What is Sniplits, who is Kailey Bell, and why does any of this matter to you/me? MY ASSOCIATION WITH SNIPLITS Sniplits produces short literary and genreContinue Reading

The other day a representative of Henry Holt and Co. contacted me about whether I’d be interested in reviewing a copy of The Tale of Halcyon Crane by Wendy Webb. Here was the hook: In this chilling and ghostly tale, Wendy Webb has created a haunting story full of deliciousContinue Reading

Finally being announced! As usual, I’m not spilling the beans here in writing. But I have a video posted below. Watch it at your own risk. I was a little more animated than normal this time… Oh, and “Music” may or may not have decided to come out right inContinue Reading

As April winds to a close, so too does the Haunt Jaunts Anniversary Bash. But never fear I have one more giveaway… I really love the SCARED! crew. If you haven’t checked them out yet, they’re worth the look. They’re fresh, sincere, open-minded and strive to be the best theyContinue Reading

It’s time for a little European haunt jaunting as Courtney would name it. Poland haunt jaunting to be more specific. As it turns out, Poland due to it’s history is quite well haunted. Specially for readers of Haunt Jaunts decided to describe few haunted places in my country. Duchna –Continue Reading