I know a lot of bloggers use their blogs to informally review movies. Some blogs are even dedicated to the tradition. And we all have our fave movie reviewers that we follow and trust. MY GO TOS FOR MOVIE ADVICE If I’m on the fence about whether to fork outContinue Reading

Thanks to Alan Hudson sending me a Facebook Fan Page suggestion for “After.Life,” I actually have a movie trailer clip to share for Movie Monday today!  Not only that, but it looks like a good one. You may have already heard about it, but it’s a new-to-me movie. And it’sContinue Reading

Thanks to Haunt Jaunts handy dandy Facebook fan page, I got some groovy info from Brian J. Cano of SCARED! and Chris Hambright of “Believers.” Both had new episode info to share. SCARED! Below is the YouTube trailer for their “Urban Explorer’s Backpack Vol. 1” DVD. (I kept seeing chatterContinue Reading

Just a quick little reminder that it’s that time of year again when those of us in the States who live in areas that participate in Daylight Saving Time need to set our clocks forward tonight. I mean, you don’t have to. You can wait until you wake up SundayContinue Reading

I joined America’s Haunted Road Trip network as soon as I found out about it. (Which was a while back. Sometime last year. I just don’t recall exactly when now…) Anyway, that doesn’t matter. What does matter is something neat they’re putting together for the upcoming Halloween season: a conference!Continue Reading

Has Hollywood’s horror story novelty well run dry? I know sequels and remakes have been around for ages. I understand that some previously good movies made decades earlier find new fans in updated remakes. And I guess remakes are a safe bet. You know the demographics ahead of time. YouContinue Reading

I get the biggest charge out of Ask Doc Paranormal. He posts the most hilarious stories. Yet, they are also quite thought provoking. I finally got caught up on my blog reading and found a great one he’d posted a couple of weeks ago: “Tiny Insect Scares Predators Away ByContinue Reading

After reading the suicide threat posted on Old West Ghost Investigations website, writing a post and Tweeting and FBing about it for help, I actually got some! Facebook Fan Monica did some smart research and came up with a phone number for Melissa. Let me back up a sec. AfterContinue Reading

Okay, this is a cry for help on my part trying to figure out if (a) this is a joke, or (b) this is a legitimate cry for help and perhaps we can help this person. I guess the following email (pasted below) hit my inbox Monday. It’s been anotherContinue Reading

I’ve kind of been neglecting Movie Mondays lately. I haven’t come across many coming attraction trailers that have really gripped me. And I for sure have not come across any that have griped me as much as Phasma Ex Machina. My enthusiasm for it hasn’t faded one iota since IContinue Reading

A couple weeks back (or possibly even longer than that) I saw a funny Tweet saying something about “swimming, ghost hunting, fried eggs?” (or some such) with a link attached. All I know is it piqued my interest enough to click the link. I was taken to a blog withContinue Reading

Today I’m feeling deeply humbled and more optimistic about humanity than I’ve felt in a while. It’s easy to get caught up in the news and the politics (especially bozos I disagree with) and feel alone, outnumbered, and misunderstood. But I’m a big believer in focusing on the positive. It’sContinue Reading