Dang it, dang it, dang it! I was so excited when I stumbled across some info about a 30 Days of Night sequel last week when looking up Kiele Sanchez. (I LOVED her in A Perfect Getaway and wanted to find out what else she’d been in.) Anyway, I happenedContinue Reading

I yet again have Twitter to thank for bringing to my attention a new-to-me paranormal experience. This time: The ParaFactor (@TheParafactor). Their Twitter bio was the first thing that piqued my interest: “Live Paranormal Talk Show …with a naughty side.” Naughty? What kind of naughty are we talking about? SoContinue Reading

If you think investigating the paranormal looks everywhere the same, think again. As a person dealing with paranormal in Poland, I have a lot of problems each day. Sit down kids and listen to the story uncle Nathan prepared for you about hunting ghosts in Poland :). Getting cases BeforeContinue Reading

The day job calls today. I have a Haunt Spots research route that takes me to 4 libraries in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin today. Oh, hurt me.  Let’s see if I have as much luck as I did in Cedarburg, WI last week. I never know what I’m going to encounterContinue Reading

Lately, I’ve been a thinking about something Autumnforest touched on in “Are Ghost Hunting Shows Ruining Belief?” and Terri pondered in “Regulating the Paranormal Field” –the effects the (many) ghost hunting shows are having on people. It started off good. It got people interested in and talking about the paranormal.Continue Reading

I’ll warn you right off, I have no trailer to share for today’s Movie Monday feature, “The Innkeepers.” All I have is Alison’s post about it that I read on Screamstress last week. It hasn’t even started filming yet, but she’s got me all excited about it’s possibilities! Here’s herContinue Reading

Maybe I’m a little slow, but I just realized something interesting: Michelle Belanger, “That psychic chic from Paranormal State. Author of The Ghost Hunter’s Survival Guide.” (as her Twitter profile puts it), and Jeff Belanger, founder of GhostVillage.com, the host of 30 Odd Minutes, and the author of many booksContinue Reading

Last week I received a very nice email from Daniel of The Ghost Hunting Parablog inquiring if I’d be interested in a link exchange. This was my reaction when I read his email: “Butter my buns and call me a biscuit!” (Wish I could take credit for that line. Alas,Continue Reading

I stumbled across this funny story posted on Ask Doc Paranormal’s blog in my RSS feeds yesterday. It’s about some dumb-dumb burglar wanna-be who got busted trying to pass his up-to-no good trespassing butt off as a ghost hunter wanna-be. It’s short, so I copy & pasted it here. IContinue Reading

Back in December I was all fired up when Haunt Jaunts reached 500 Twitter followers. That blew me away. It was a goal to get there, but I didn’t think it’d happen so fast. And when I started Tweeting (Twittering, however you want to say it) back in September 2009,Continue Reading

Just in time for Friday Fun my friend Brenda sent me a fun email with a sort of ghostly looking image of Albert Einstein. Or is it really Marilyn Monroe? If you’re looking at it from close range, like while you’re seated right in front of your computer, it looksContinue Reading

Thanks to one of my Google alerts, I stumbled upon a new-to-me blog I figured some of the rest of you might like to know about if you don’t already: Ghost Lounge. The post that came up in my “paranormal travel” Google alert was “Whatever Happened to ‘Most Haunted’ onContinue Reading