Apparently when I wrote about Ghost TV shows the other day (Ghost TV Shows: Good for Paranormal Tourism, Bad for Paranormal Research) I didn’t get it all out of my system. I have a few more thoughts to share. KEEP IT IN PERSPECTIVE As I wrote about in my firstContinue Reading

I know, yet another face lift. This makes like how many in the past two months? I’ve lost count myself. If I may, let me explain… After Autumnforest and Susan left comments pointing out the small font on the other style I just picked last week, I couldn’t rest. ButContinue Reading

Today’s movie, Psych: 9, is another one I found thanks to Twitter. (Specifically, @Psych9 following me. I always check out followers, saw their YouTube link, and, well, here we are today…) This one looks pretty promising. It’s cast of characters include Sara Foster (she’s on the new 90210), Cary ElwesContinue Reading

I have to get something off my chest. I’ve noticed a trend develop in some of the blogs I follow. Lately many of my fellow bloggers have been feeling as disgruntled, dissatisfied and disillusioned with the same thing I have: ghost TV shows. CAN’T GET NO SATISFACTION Either in theirContinue Reading

It would be more apropos to label this post “Freaky Friday Fun.” I came across it earlier this week and after I jumped and had a good laugh at myself, I knew I had to share it. It’s been around for a while, so for some of you it willContinue Reading

I know in my Black Friday post last week I admitted I’m not much of a shopper. Yet not only did that post focus on shopping, but so did my second Friday Fun post from last week about Unique Christmas Gifts. Guess what? Today’s Friday Fun is also shopping-oriented.(Hey, ’tisContinue Reading

I was really hoping the last time I changed my blog’s “skin” would be it. It wasn’t exactly perfect, but it suited my purposes well enough. Or so I thought… COMMENTS It all started shortly before I left for vacation. Julie from Above the Norm alerted me to the factContinue Reading

I learned about the upcoming movie “Foreclosure” via Alison’s interview with filmmaker Richard Ledes on Screamstress a couple weeks back. I Tweeted about it then, but didn’t feature it for Movie Monday last week because I already had two set to post. (Plus, I knew I’d just be getting backContinue Reading

Continuing the Friday Fun Black Friday Shopping Spree, I decided to put together a list of products I’ve come across that would make unique Christmas gifts. These would make excellent presents for those people in your life that are either (a) hard to buy for because they have everything, orContinue Reading

I’m not much of a shopper, but ’tis the season when shopping’s on everyone’s To Do list isn’t it? So, in an effort to make it fun, I thought I’d spend Black Friday preparing for Cyber Monday. (If I can avoid the crowds via the convenience of the Internet toContinue Reading

I ran across this story and thought you might enjoy it as well.  It’s an old Eastern European Jewish folktale, but also reminds me of stories from my native American heritage.  The link leads you to the google books page where you can read the short story. Happy Thanksgiving! TheContinue Reading

It’s another two-fer today for Movie Monday. This second movie trailer, The Message, also came to my attention via a follow on Twitter (by @TheMessageMovie). I don’t know what to make of it. Here’s the tagline: “Does God really want you?” I’m not usually a big fan of movies withContinue Reading