Some of you may recall a post I made a couple months back about a paranormal tourism company looking for ghost tour beta testers in southeast Wisconsin. It had come to my attention after the company’s owner, Susan Scot Fry, left a comment on another post about state tourism officesContinue Reading

Okay, I’ve been inspired by Mrs. B and her 31 Days of Halloween, Sharon’s fiberdoodles Halloween Blog Party, and MarZel’s Play of Light and Shadows October giveaways to have some Halloween fun too. I figured why not splurge and do a Christmas at Halloween kind of thing by giving away…what?Continue Reading

I’ve noticed on some blogs that they have buttons saying, “Help keep my blog AdSense free by donating from time to time.” I’m not one of those blogs, nor do I have plans to become one. (Although, I am half tempted to put up a donation button to test ifContinue Reading

This morning I read an email from Patty of A Haunting We Will Go. I had left a comment on her Haunted Town post along with a question and she followed up with a personal email answering me. In addition to her response, she happened to mention some experiences herContinue Reading

Today I got an email from my friend JuJu. (Well, her real name is Judy, but I call her JuJu or Judykins.) Her subject line read: CHEESEY DIPPINDUNKIN. Well, if there’s one thing you must know about me besides I like to travel and I’m into ghosts, I ADORE food.Continue Reading

One widget my WordPress theme didn’t automatically come with that I missed from Blogger was a poll. I finally figured out how to search for and add plugins. (Well, I sort of knew how to do it already, but it only recently dawned on me to search for a pollContinue Reading

Are you familiar with something called “The Oprah Effect?” I’m not sure who coined the term, but CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla explored “how she turns no names into brand names.” I believe Syfy’s Ghost Hunters is having a similar effect, except not so much on no names as non-profits. More andContinue Reading

I just read “Does Your Pet See Ghosts?” on It wasn’t a very big article, but it caught my eye because (a) it had to do with ghosts, and (b) it mentioned pets. Turns out Bobby Mackey’s Music World is opening it’s doors to pets to try their pawsContinue Reading

I have some big news about the site. (Just the website, not the blog. I’m still continuing with the blog.) So here goes: I just officially launched the site this month, but I’ve made the hard decision to back off from it right now. “Why? What happened?” Well, MercuryContinue Reading

There are lots of ways to find blogs to follow isn’t there? A friend suggests one, a Google Alert leads you to another, following someone on Twitter leads to some, and of course there are the other blogs you already follow. Recently I’ve come across some pretty cool blogs. IContinue Reading

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today! In honor of my birthday today, my friend Jeanine sent me my gift: a link to a JibJab sendable. It had an image next to it, with my picture (pre-chemo, back when I had hair) on it. Her note to me was: “Welcome to yourContinue Reading

This morning my Google Alerts held two stories that are good examples of the very real dangers of ghost hunting.  Specifically, why so many ghost tours, ghost hunting teams, and haunted places websites, including, do not condone trespassing. For the veteran and novice ghost hunters alike, let these storiesContinue Reading