I finally figured out what my trouble with The Othersiders is. Actually, troubles, as there’s more than one thing that bothers me about the show. TROUBLE 1 The producers are trying to make viewers buy that these kids are experienced investigators. Granted, they are getting experience, but they’re trying to sell themContinue Reading

Last week was the HauntJaunts.net blog overhaul, this week was the making of a HauntJaunts.net promotional video. Why all the fuss? Because I made up my mind that September 1 will be the official launch of HauntJaunts.net. It’s going to be a bit of a push. I have a lot of entriesContinue Reading

  Photo from stock.xchng  > Welcome to HauntJaunts.net’s new blog! Well, it’s not new. It’s still going to have the same Haunt Jaunts content as before, but it’s got a new look and address. WHY THE MOVE? I would have set up using WordPress to start with, but back whenContinue Reading

Logo by I thought I’d give you a quick update on HauntJaunts.net’s progress. I know some of you are interested when it’ll finally be launched. (Especially those of you whose stories I accepted. I know you want to know when you’ll get paid!) Hopefully by September 1. I got aContinue Reading

Please forgive me up front. This is not a Haunt Jaunts related post…not exactly. There are no spooky places to tell of, no ghosts to mention, but a haunting of sorts is involved. THE HAUNTING HITCHHIKER If you’ve read my profile or checked out the About section on HauntJaunts.net, youContinue Reading

Here’s a contest for you Haunt Jaunting writers out there: America’s Haunted Roadtrip Ghostwriting Contest. If you have a ghost story encounter you’ve always wanted to share, here’s your chance! Download guidelines and an entry form on their site. Deadline for submissions is Sept. 15, 2009. MORE THAN A GHOSTWRITINGContinue Reading

A paranormal pal of mine, Donna Marsh, recently let me know about a new business venture she’s embarking on: Fun with Donna, which among other things hosts paranormal parties. Photo by Michael Pohl from stock.xchng HOW I KNOW DONNA Fueled in part by, I admit it, watching Ghost Hunters, IContinue Reading

Autumnforest left some wonderful comments on yesterday’s post that of course got me thinking about other ways to improve ghost hunting investigation techniques. JOB ASSIGNMENTS Autumnforest brought up the very astute point that just as people are assigned certain duties within a ghost hunting group (such as lead investigator, caseContinue Reading

I’ve been thinking a lot about convincing evidence when it comes to definitive proof that ghosts exist. Sure the TAPS team of Ghost Hunters fame have captured a lot of interesting and thought-provoking evidence, but have they captured actual proof? Have any ghost hunter groups, whether on TV or otherwise?Continue Reading

The Ghost Adventures team had pretty big shoes to fill when they headed to investigate Eastern State Penitentiary. That was one of Ghost Hunters best shows. (The first visit. I don’t know if I was as impressed with the evidence from their second visit.) One thing I’m coming to noticeContinue Reading

I’m very excited to share that Flashes in the Dark published my flash “My Nightmare” yesterday. Yep, I’m still away but I hijacked my husband’s computer really quick this morning to make sure my story had been published. Then I figured why not share it here. That way I couldContinue Reading

While I was watching Cartoon Network’s “The Othersiders” investigation of the Queen Mary, I found myself thinking, “Perhaps these kids aren’t too young to hunt ghosts after all.” With that said, I guess it’s a good time to admit that I shared the sentiments fellow blogger AutumnForest expressed in oneContinue Reading