There is still a lot of work left to do, but is well underway. ABOUT Just as Haunt Jaunts the blog is a travel blog for restless spirits, will be a travel site for restless spirits. THE CONCEPT Several years ago I had an idea that I’d writeContinue Reading

I just read an interesting article called “Ghosts on a Plane” over at I thought it was going to be about planes that were haunted and experiences travelers have had on board, but it was a little different. It referenced air force bases being haunted, but talked primarily aboutContinue Reading

Ghosts, history, attachments…it’s all quite curious when you stop to think of it. I once attended a Ghost Hunting Class given by Donna Marsh. I recently learned she’s a Nashville Ghosts & Hauntings Examiner for Click here to check out her articles. At any rate, in her class she’dContinue Reading

If you’re a fan of the Sci Fi Channel’s Ghost Hunters like I am, then you know last week they investigated a very unusual spot: The Georgia Aquarium, which had been one of the stops for the traveling Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition. A HAUNTED EXHIBIT? Man, I sure wish IContinue Reading