We’re really excited to announce that submissions are now OPEN for an anthology we tried to launch last year but…well. We didn’t get it going. However, this year we’re ready to go! (Are you digging the cover? We totally are! Check out what we have to say about it’s opticalContinue Reading

Are you an author looking for another place to promote your book? We may be able to help! There are a few ways: The Forum Guest Posts Become a Contributing Author   THE FORUM We’ve always had the Book Nook section of our Forum where we offer a way forContinue Reading

Today was the day we brushed off the Boo Bucket and picked winners in the HJ’s Fave Things Halfway to Halloween Giveaway. Thank you to all who entered and congratulations to: Anna who won the T.G.I.Friday the 13th T-Shirt from: Crazy Dog Tshirts Jenn who won the Black Sugar SkullContinue Reading

Guess what this time of year is? Halfway to Halloween time! Sounds like a great reason to have another giveaway to celebrate six years of Haunt Jaunts. I’ve chosen a few of my favorite things from our affiliates and listed them below. Here’s how to enter: Look at the itemsContinue Reading

Today is the day I promised I’d announce winners of the 6th Anniversary Celebration Book Giveaway. So that’s what I’m here to do: let you know who won and what prizes they picked. I also had an exclusive contest for newsletter subscribers, as mentioned on the Contest & Giveaways page.Continue Reading

Spain’s El Caminito del Rey, or Camino del Rey, is often considered one of the world’s scariest hiking trails. It’s a narrow  pathway (only three feet wide) that clings to the side of a mountain over 300 feet above the Guadalhorce river. Made of concrete attached with steel to theContinue Reading

To celebrate the release of Courtney’s short horror story, The Shadow Stalker, we’re giving away a few copies. If you’d like to enter for your chance to win a gifted copy, here’s what to do: * Leave this comment below in either the entry form or as a comment onContinue Reading

Last year’s 1st Annual Horror Writing Contest was such a success I decided to do it again this year…with a twist. I’m doing something I’ve been wanting to do for a while: publish the above book. The trouble is I need some help. I have a few of my ownContinue Reading

A friend suggested I watch a series called Borgias. The other night I watched the first two episodes. During the second episode, a diplomat or royalty or something from Turkey factors into the interests of two of the show’s main characters. Ever since we went to Istanbul, I perk upContinue Reading

Previously I wrote about the ghosts of Highclere Castle, a.k.a where the Masterpiece Classic Downton Abbey is set. But what if Downton Abbey was haunted? There have certainly been enough deaths in the regal house to account for ghosts. I thought it’d be fun to take a look at theContinue Reading

Are you a fan of The Amazing Race? I am. If you are too, then you were also likely watching the season finale this past Sunday. Were you at all taken aback when one of the places teams got their clues was Coney Island? I was. Why? Because this isContinue Reading

It’s been a while since we had a First Person Friday story to publish around here. This one comes to us by way of Jules V Ness. After what I have learned to call The Lennox Haunting, a haunted house that I lived in terror in for thirty eight daysContinue Reading