I suppose I have to make this disclaimer ahead of time: the Etsy store and the products I’m featuring this Friday belong to my sister Dinell Holmes. She did not ask me to do this, nor is she compensating me in any way. I decided to feature some of theContinue Reading

Late last year, Eric (Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society) and Lon (of Phantoms and Monsters fame) over at Beyond the Edge Radio invited me to be a guest on their show. We set the date for January 8, 2012. In other words, this Sunday. I have to admit IContinue Reading

Well, it was another fun contest thanks to CrazyDog T-Shirts for supplying such awesome giveaway items, and to all those who took the time to enter the Team Michael, Jason or Zombie? Choose for a Chance to Win a CrazyDog T-Shirt giveaway. Of course there was a glitch with theContinue Reading

Guess what time it is? Giveaway time! Thanks to our sponsors, CrazyDog T-Shirts. They’ve generously offered up a free shirt for one lucky winner. THE PRIZES HOW TO PLAY It’s easy. Just do two things: Tell me which team you think would be the ultimate victor in a showdown betweenContinue Reading

I’ve done the drawing for the Pre-Halloween Mega Goody Giveaway. Before I announce the winner, I’ll note something I said in the drawing video. (Yes, I did record it this time. It will be posted on HJ’s Facebook page if you’re interested in seeing it.) CAN’T HAVE A GIVEAWAY WITHOUTContinue Reading

All right, I was finally able to do the “Ghost from the Machine” drawing since the Internet cooperated and allowed HJ to stay online again so we could hold the giveaway. I used the Random Number Generator on Random.org to pick winners. We had a total of 13 entries. IContinue Reading

Who won the $15 Cold Stone Creamery gift card? That’d be Barry! He likes sundaes. Good choice! One of my faves. (Along with shakes, but there’s just something about whip cream, sauce and nuts…) Barry also writes a fab blog called Gnostalgia. In case you’re not familiar with it, it’s worthContinue Reading

I don’t know about where you live, but it’s been a hot summer here. Besides hitting the pool, ice cream is one of my favorite ways to cool down. (Aw, who am I kidding? Summer, spring, winter, or fall, I love ice cream.) But I wanted to do something funContinue Reading

Okay, I’m very jealous of kids today. All I had were Barbies. Which I loved dearly. I’m not ashamed to admit I played with my Barbies until I was 12. I never was into baby dolls, but my Barbie dolls were an instrumental outlet for my imagination. Many times I’dContinue Reading

A few weeks back, one of HJ’s Facebook friends, Aaron, asked if I knew of any sites that were good for sharing real ghost photos and discussing them. I referred him to another of HJ’s FB friends, Marilyn, who moderates the Unexplained world and paranormal group. They’re a pretty active bunch who share aContinue Reading

I saw the buzz about Haunted Collector on other blogs, but I didn’t pay much attention because I didn’t plan to watch. Not until I saw Facebook posts by Brooke Haramija, Chris Mancuso, and Laura Pennance. Someone they know very well was going to be on the show: Brian J. Cano. (He’s an FB friendContinue Reading

If you have been to the south there is no doubt that you have encountered a bottle tree. According to the legend, spirits are attracted to the blue bottles; as they go into the bottle to investigate they cannot find their way out and are trapped. At night when youContinue Reading