EPISODE DESCRIPTION I had some extra time and was able to partake in viewing a sneak peak of this week’s Ghost Adventures Bonnie Springs Ranch investigation. Rather than reinvent the wheel since Travel Channel has such a nice write-up, I’ll just share theirs: Bonnie Springs Ranch in Blue Diamond, Nevada wasContinue Reading

Something I really enjoyed doing last year that I had to bring back this year was the Haunt Jaunts Best Of Awards. If you are listed below and receive this award, don’t panic! It’s not like so many of the awards that circulate amongst blogs in which you have toContinue Reading

Last year I looked ahead to what was in store for Haunts Jaunts in 2010. I didn’t set too many goals. I had three pretty simple ones: Haunt Jaunt more. Write more travel-specific posts (as opposed to so many about ghost TV shows). Institute more theme days. So how’d IContinue Reading

On December 11, 2010 my friend Kim shared a link with me on HJ’s Facebook page to a story about an unknown creature photographed in Louisiana. I expected blogs to blow up in the following days with speculations and conjecture of the creature caught on the trap camera. It probablyContinue Reading

   I put together a “For Ghost Enthusiasts” section under the Holiday Gift Ideas area of the Haunt Jaunts Emporium. I thought it’d be fun to highlight some of the best gifts, so voila: here’s a 20 great holiday gift ideas for ghost lovers list. If you’re still looking forContinue Reading

  People often ask me where I find some of the info that I pass along. My number one source is Google Alerts, but I try to participate in as many social networks as I can too. People are always sharing interesting things that I can inevitably pass along. ButContinue Reading

When I worked as a paralegal in Phoenix in the late 1990s, my attorney’s secretary had an eight-year-old daughter who was nuts for Beanie Babies. This was around the time Beanie Babies were all the rage. Our offices were in the Arizona Center and there was a gift store that sold BeanieContinue Reading

On Tuesday I posed this question on HJ’s Facebook page: Here’s what I want to know: who thinks (a) shopping on Black Friday is one of the most exhilarating days of the year and already has their game plan in place and alarm set, or (b) thinks shopping on BlackContinue Reading

The wonderful Chris Davis (a.k.a. the Frog Queen) of Frog on the Pumpkin stopped by a long while back to share the Happy 101 Award with me. I never did get a chance to properly accept or acknowledge it. I decided since it’s all about what makes you happy andContinue Reading

Dinell Holmes wasn’t the only one to stop by and give me an award recently. Jeremy from iZombie also stopped by to let me know he had an award waiting for me: the Zombie Rabbit award. Here’s the instructions I found when I went to claim it: I am giving thisContinue Reading

I had never heard of Christmas crackers until a few years ago. We were living in Jacksonville at the time. It was one of the years we didn’t go back to Denver to be with our family for the holidays. A couple we’d met through swim team invited us toContinue Reading

Times are tight right? Lots of people are looking for ways to stretch their money as far as possible and get the most out of their investments. And then there’s the whole “reduce, reuse, recycle” phenomenon. I’m only semi-frugal and green by nature, but I can appreciate ingenuity. That’s whyContinue Reading