Alfred Hitchcock Day

One of the dates on the Weird Holidays & Observances page that has always intrigued me but that I’ve never investigated is Alfred Hitchcock Day. It’s celebrated annually on March 12. Although, maybe “celebrated” is too grandiose a description? I’m not sure how many people even know Alfred Hitchcock DayContinue Reading

Silhouette of alien standing in beam of light from UFO hovering above the ground.

Whether you believe in extraterrestrial life or not, one thing’s undeniable: how much the possibility of alien life pervades our culture. Sure, it’s been the inspiration for plenty of great science fiction movies and books. But join me in considering it from another angle. I submit into evidence Exhibit A:Continue Reading

Summer Spirit witch hat and broom on sandy beach

Today we released a teaser video (below) for Summer Spirit 2021 on all of our socials. (YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.) But what is Summer Spirit 2021 all about? Well, we’ve never really done a series before, but we’ve sure been thinking about it for a while now. We’ve had aContinue Reading