Crying Foul: Nashville Not a Top News Story?

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I was astounded when I watched the TODAY show this morning and instead of seeing stories about the flooding in Tennessee and Kentucky I heard expert after expert talk about the arrest of the suspected terrorist bomber and the Gulf Oil spill. I flipped to the Ealy Show, hoping they’d be covering it. Nope. Same stories.

This afternoon I cruised the websites for both shows. The bomber was the main story, then the oil spill. Couldn’t find the Nashville story on TODAY’s site. did have it front and center though –albeit with the bomber right next to it.

The oil spill I’ll give you. If the winds shift and bring that oil ashore…shit. Pardon my French, but, yes, it’s going to devastate the fishing and tourist economies all along the coast. That’s thousands of jobs.

The alleged bomber who was caught, however…give me a flipping break! The bomb did not go off. No one was harmed. No businesses or homes were destroyed. It shouldn’t be making the kind of headlines it is given the other situations going on –like the one here where I live!


In case you live somewhere that’s not getting a clear picture of what’s happening here, let me break it down for you: it’s a tragedy!

The death toll keeps rising as the waters recede. What started out at 7 grew to 11 and has now hit 29 today.

Why? You know the term “flash flood?” That’s what happened here this weekend. Having never, ever seen the kind of water we got, some people never assumed they’d be in physical danger.

“Oh, it’s just a little bit of water.”

But that little bit of water rose fast in places water had never been before. Some ended up trapped in their cars on roads. Some in homes. Those are the ones now being found. The ones who didn’t think to get out because why would they? So now the death toll could still unfortunately climb a bit more before all is said and done.

Shelters are maxed out. Full neighborhoods have been destroyed. What was it? The 9th Ward in New Orleans that got wiped out by Katrina?

Maybe (hopefully, likely not) the death toll won’t be as high as that, but the property damage exceeds that. It wasn’t just one area, it’s Bellevue, Franklin, Antioch, Centerhille, Clarksville…the list goes on where homes and businesses were swamped. And I’m talking up to the rafters flooded.

And part of it is because they had to release water from the dams. Guess where it went? Wherever it could, which ended up being people’s neighborhoods and homes.

Schools were closed again today. Downtown was shut down today. All of downtown. Yesterday it was just businesses along 1st and 2nd Avenues, but today downtown was without power. It’s also a tourist hot spot.

We’re being asked to conserve water and use only for food prep and drinking because one of our two water treatment facilities was flooded out. Only one’s working now.

It’s bad. Have I made that point yet?


I’m trying to be sympathetic and not judge the national media too harshly. The attempted bombing is more immediate to the newscasters who live and work in New York. Of course they’re going to think that’s big news. Just like how I think all this flood damage is big news. I’m right here right now seeing it.

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I’m just disappointed because the bomb didn’t go off. The flood bomb here, however, did.

And it’s more than just some homes flooded. Tourism is one of our top economies. If you’ve ever been to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel you know what a massive resort it is. It’s the largest hotel here, not to mention one of the largest in the U.S. It’s a major spoke, if not a hub, in our tourism machinery.

It’s going to be closed down possibly for months. Do you know how much loss of business that is? And all the people who will be out of work from that? Hundreds, if not more like thousands. Because you also have to factor in the Grand Ole Opry and Opry Mills –both of which are next to the hotel and help comprise the Opryland area. There’s no word yet on when either of those will be operational again either. They were also submerged.

Plus there’s all of the other businesses around town that benefit from the large conference crowds the hotel can accommodate. There will be no trickle down effect from all of this. It’s going to have an immediate impact on a variety of businesses and services.


I was about fit to be tied when I got an email from the Executive Director of Romance Writers of America yesterday. (It was a mass one, not just one to me.) They’re supposed to have their conference at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in a few months. The hotel issued a press release that they may be closed for several months.

The ED explained how RWA has a contract with Gaylord and it was up to Gaylord to notify RWA if it cannot contractually uphold its end of the contract. Clearly, she doesn’t understand how bad it is here. Nor does she get that the hotel is amazing and part of a large network. I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to change them to another venue for the same date.

I don’t know about that. I’m not affiliated with the hotel. All I know is I wish more people could see what’s happening here. But before that can happen the national news needs to start covering it better.


  1. Well, it did make two seperate places on the front page of the BBC world news (Americas) website (where I get most of my news), and there is no mention on that page of the oil spill.

    So at least across the pond they find your plight more important than the oil spill 🙂 I know that does not help the situation any, just thought I would share 🙂 Thinking of you and hope things get better.


  2. Yeah, I don’t get it either. I was glad they found the bomber-wannabe just so they’d quite talking about AZ!

  3. Chris, you are sooooo awesome! I really need to start following BBC online. I love their news broadcasts but never think to go to them first online for some reason. And yesterday I completely skipped them. I guess because I subconsciously figured since they were across the pond they really wouldn’t care. But that they did…WOW! I’m really glad you let me know this. It helped. I was just in a sour mood yesterday. Better today. I realize it’s not a Katrina or Haiti here exactly. It’s bad, but there’s not thousands of dead bodies floating in streets or thousands of dead bodies rotting under a hot sun in rubble-strewn streets, so…I need to just chill!

    Sharon: LOL! There’s always a silver lining isn’t there???

  4. The news seems to be concentrating on the oil spill and the passing of the immigration law in my state of AZ. Nashville is devestated by the flood just like New Orleans was and deserves to be the center of attention in getting help for those who have lost everything.

  5. 🙂 You are welcome my dear! Hope things get better at your end of the world!


  6. Thanks Julie! I guess I got my wish. Nashville’s been covered a lot more. Happy to see it moved up in priority but I really hate it was even a story at all!

    And thanks, Chris. Been seeing lots of good people doing lots of good things. But then again ditto the very last part of my above sentence to Julie…

  7. The news is completely slanted. Nashville should still be on the news, but instead they put half baked bombing attempts and celebrity marriages. If it makes things any better, I saw 7 tweets on twitter yesterday about how terribly the media was dealing with Nashville (from people in New York and in other areas). You aren’t the only one whose noticed it is a problem. People know what’s going on and others are mad too!

  8. Thanks for the info, Jessica. Some friends and I were talking about it yesterday and were happy to see an increase in some coverage, except now they’re slanting it to only how sad it is for the country music business. That’s not even our largest industry here! It’s the FOURTH largest, but because it’s the most glamorous I guess it gets the most spin. And I knew it finally hit other media because I had a surge of friends calling and emailing to check on us yesterday saying they’d just seen how bad it is. Nuts. Thanks for the comment, and thanks again for the FYI.


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