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Very excited to share news of a review of Shadow People and Cursed Objects: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they? over at contributor David Watson does reviews in his David’s Haunted Library feature. For his latest one he chose to feature two anthologies: Shadow People and Cursed Objects as well as one called Wicked Gardens.
One of SPACO’s authors, Emerian Rich, helped make this happen. She’s a “Horror Hostess” at (which is a groovy mixture of a blog, podcast, and publisher). Very much obliged to her for passing on a copy to one of her colleagues who she thought might enjoy it.
And apparently Mr. Watson (I can’t pass up addressing him that way!) did.
He related how the anthology begins with the tale of “The Busby Chair,” told by Alice J. Black and why he liked it.
Then he graciously explained it was tough to chose a favorite, but one he was partial to was “Bye, bye, Blackbird” by Emerian Rich. He liked it for the same reasons I did: Emerian transports the reader to the 1930s. Her atmosphere was delicious, her characters fun, and the plot intriguing and chilling.
Mr. Watson also gave shouts out to Evan Dicken’s “Doomsday, Every Night At Five.” This one was a blend of both ghosts and haunted places. A TV haunted by the ghost of a dead grandfather who torments his granddaughter with visions of future doom? I couldn’t pass it up.
Mr. Watson also liked Sean Ealy’s “Fatty and the Nothing Man.” Until he pointed it out, I didn’t realize some of the stories shared more than ghosts and curses in common. Some also shared the unfortunate consequences of kids accepting dares from other kids. (“The Busby Chair” also deals with a dare.)
“Fatty and the Nothing Man” is the tale of one bullied kid who gets dared to do something…sort of twice in the same scenario. Once by mean boys, then by a scary spirit. You can’t help but feel sorry for both Fatty and his tormentors by the end of the story.
And I was flattered to see one of my stories garnered a mention too: “Pedro.” Pedro was an imaginary perfect little boy Peter’s mother always compared him too. Peter’s grown now with a son of his own –who’s blaming Pedro for anything that goes wrong.
Overall, Mr. Watson had this to say about Shadow People and Cursed Objects:
There are no bad stories in Shadow People and Cursed Objects. The editor did an excellent job of picking the best of the best and the concept of deciding what is real or what isn’t also makes this book a must read. This is one book that you shouldn’t pass up.
Wow. Very flattered. Very humbled. Very excited.
Thank you, Mr. Watson! (And Emerian too for making this happen.)
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
That is AWESOME, Courtney! WTG!
(So… when’s Vol 2 coming out? :D)
Hi Bast! THANKS! And…lol. I guess I maybe need to start thinking about that, huh??? Or, better yet, DOING something about it! (Thinking gets me no where fast.)