Destination Fear Canceled, but Stay Tuned for Project Fear

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Destination Fear Canceled

The first thing I did when I heard Destination Fear had been canceled was to check the date. I learned about it today, April 1, a.k.a. April Fool’s Day. Since I’m fond of pulling pranks (as I did again this year with The Hitchhiking Ghosts series), I figured this might be one too. Especially because I learned about it from an unlikely source: Nick Groff.

But why would Nick Groff, of all people, be talking about Destination Fear‘s cancelation? Because it gave him the chance to get some things off his chest. 

That’s going to be a post for another time, though, because wow. Talk about a mic-drop video. Groff finally broke his silence and addressed his departure from Ghost Adventures, the cancelation of Paranormal Lockdown, and his alleged affair. Lots to unpack there. It deserves its own post.

So does the news about Destination Fear being canceled. Which explains why I haven’t seen any news from the Warner Bros. Discovery folks about it yet this year. It felt like it was about time for the release of info about the new season, but where was it? Well, it won’t be coming, and now I know why.

So what’s Dakota Laden, his sister Chelsea, and his besties Tanner Wiseman and Alex Schroeder going to do now? Well, they talked about that in a video they put out. And they also spoke about it in an interview on The Jason Show. Let’s unpack all of it.

How Travel Channel Broke Up with Dakota

The Jason Show describes itself as “a daily entertainment talk show hosted by Twin Cities personality, Jason Matheson.” I thought Matheson had a great question when he inquired about how Dakota, Tanner, and Alex learned Destination Fear had been canceled. Because as he put it, “Not a lot of us will ever experience this.”

To my surprise, they all laughed. Then Dakota explained they were preparing to shoot a video of themselves golfing, and 10 minutes before tee time, they got the news. He joked that the video was going to be called: “Golf…but we just got canceled.”

Matheson pressed for more specifics, though. “Guys, does it come in an email form? Does a network big wig call you? Is there a Harry Potter owl that finds you?”

Tanner perked up at that last one and said he wished it was the owl. (Something new we learned about Tanner we maybe didn’t know before, eh? He’s a Harry Potter fan. Or is this just something new I learned about him?)

Then he went on to say it was simply a call from someone who works at the Travel Channel. It lasted maybe five minutes, they thanked them for all their hard work, and that was that.

Matheson was mad for them that their show got canceled and naturally wanted to know what they planned to do next.

Project Fear

While Dakota, Tanner, and Alex were upbeat and laughing and smiling on The Jason Show, four days before that their emotions were on full display in their announcement about the show being canceled. There were tears mixed with behind-the-scenes clips from the past four seasons and lots of reminiscing about the adventures they’ve had together.

But not just together. They all spoke with great fondness and humility about the community that supported them during their journey. The fans and all the great people they’ve met along the way.

And that’s why they’re not done yet. Or as Chelsea put it, “We’ve got more gas in our tank.” They’re going to pick up where they left off.

On The Jason Show, they explained how they don’t own Destination Fear or its episodes. But they do own Trail to Terror, the documentary that inspired Destination Fear. That’s how they’ll be able to create the same show again, which will be on YouTube, but with a different name: Project Fear.

Project Fear vs. Destination Fear: Similarities and Differences

Basically, Project Fear will be the same. The same people starring in it and creating it. But it also affords them more freedom.

They’re excited not to have constraints anymore. They can make the episodes as long as they want, not edited to fit into an hour time slot. And they can release as many videos as often as they want, even potentially year-round.

There’s also nothing stopping them from going where they want, or from who they can invite along. Which means it’s possible we’re going to see fans joining them. It was something they hinted at.

The first eight-part series will be called “Return to Terror.” They’ll revisit some of their scariest locations, including Sweet Springs Sanatorium. Their second road trip will revolve around brand-new locations.

EXPLORE MORE:  The Guest Investigators in the New Episodes of Ghost Hunters

In order to fund Project Fear, they launched a Kickstarter campaign. On The Jason Show, Tanner talked about how their goal was to raise $65,000 in three weeks. They hoped to just make $1,000 the first day. But to their shock, they reached the goal of $65k in less than two hours! It’s since soared past $350,000 and is still climbing.

All thanks to their kickass fans. Or “kickerse” as Matheson said to keep the language family-friendly for his show.

Filming has already started, which means it won’t be long before the episodes are released.

Did Zak Bagans get Destination Fear canceled?

Sadly, the Project Fear video announcing the Destination Fear cancelation has a click-bait title. It doesn’t really explain why the show got canceled. It ends with Chelsea saying that this isn’t a time to be sad but to get excited about what’s ahead.

Maybe she said that in response to the rumors circulating on social media that Zak Bagans was behind the show’s demise? As SK Pop reported, Dakota chimed in to say Bagans was not involved. However, he also made a loaded statement when he added:

“But I have to tell you guys, in this industry these decisions are business… and has nothing to do with someone’s ego or whatever. However, does that mean that Zak and me are friends and that he has been supporting the show and everything has been chipper and great? No, it doesn’t and I have a lot to say and more to come on that front.”

That seemed to trigger something in Nick Groff, who I mentioned at the start of this post made a mic-drop video weighing in with some thoughts of his own. He’s famously dodged talking about his departure from Ghost Adventures years ago, or even about the cancellation of Paranormal Lockdown.

Well, that has since changed. But, as I also mentioned earlier, it deserves a post of its own. That’ll be coming next.

For More Info

To show your support and become a member of the Fear Fam, you can donate to their Kickstarter campaign here:

Or subscribe to the Project Fear YouTube channel here:


How do you feel about the news that Destination Fear has been canceled?

I have to admit, I remember I was all, “Meh,” after watching my first DF episode. But then I screened some more ahead of an interview with Dakota, Alex, and I think at that time Chelsea. (I can’t remember if she was on the call or not. I’m pretty sure Alex wasn’t.)

Anyway, I’ve said it every time since when I’ve written about our chats: they are THE nicest stars ever. Pairing the great impression they left on me with the fun they were having on screen, I finally understood what fans saw in them.

And don’t get me wrong. Most stars of the other shows are pretty nice too. At least they’re polite enough and happy to talk about their shows for the 15 or 20 minutes that I get with them.

But everybody from Destination Fear exudes a genuine niceness that is unsurpassed by anyone else. They are so warm and charming, and for all their success, none of it has gone to their heads. They’re down-to-earth and just such a joy to speak with.

I was so happy to see in their interview on The Jason Show that people showed their support not just in spirit, but monetarily by helping them to fund their campaign. It will be exciting to see what they do going forward with Project Fear. I wish them continued success as this new window of opportunity opens for them.


  1. I’m okay with DF being cancelled because Project Fear sounds even better!

  2. Author

    Another Priscilla comment that just makes me wish so bad you and your positivity could be cloned. The world needs more of your good vibes!

  3. Looking forward to their new re-booted project. I just hope they don’t do the no flashlights thing anymore. That just weirded me out. It is a shame though. On their very last episode they caught a very swift moving ghost figure. wowza. Now, I’m also worried about the fates of the Ghost Brothers and The original Ghost Hunters.

  4. Author

    I’m hoping they don’t do that “no flashlight” thing anymore either. Just too dangerous. And funny you mention Ghost Brothers…in something I was reading about this whole Nick Groff/Destination Fear cancelation controversy, someone mentioned Ghost Brothers had been canceled too. And also Holzer Files…but that’s super old news. Like almost 2 years old. So I wasn’t sure they had their facts straight but haven’t had time to hunt down any info. And I haven’t been getting my usual communiques from the Discovery folks so for all I know I’m blackballed too! lol

  5. Not Ghost Brothers too!!!!!

  6. Author

    I’m not sure about Ghost Brothers yet. The only thing I saw about it is a tweet from Dakota Laden. So don’t up hope yet, Maria! (But I’m curious what they’re making way for if they do cancel it, because that’ll be a lot of shows gone now.)

  7. Author

    Whoops. Dont “give up hope yet is what I meant. And I was thinking I should’ve added I didn’t see any statements from any of them. Yet. Now I’m curious if we will.

  8. I thought it was awfully strange that Dakota was asking for $65,000 to make two episode of Project Fear on YouTube. OmarGosh, Paranormal Nightmare, and Jasko and other YouTube teams make awesome ghost hunting videos and don’t ask for a penny. They just rely on YouTube payments, merchandise, and the occasional Live Stream. $65,000?!?! Really? They own all their own equipment! So … what’s all that money for? Didn’t they save any of the money from their four years on the Travel Channel. I sure hope they weren’t blowing it all like irresponsible children. I find it all a bit suspicious and strange. Don’t you? $65,000 vs. $0 = *Scratch your head, raise and eyebrow, and make a strange perplexed face*. I hardly spend any money on my ghost hunts either. Maybe just a little gasoline, and sometimes, the locations’ owners want a few bucks to rent the place for the night, but other than that, it NEVER reaches up into the thousands! There is something VERY fishy about the $65,000 asking price for two episodes, guys. Something VERY fishy! I like them, but I don’t trust them.

  9. Bullshit troy good telly costs real money,
    As for omargosh you know it’s all faked right, 10 years ago he was dumpster diving who else remembers that?
    Driving round housing estates going through trash, worst part is I used to watch those videos and liked em too I bet real money they are private now though.


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