Did Haunt Jaunts Reach Its 2010 Goals?

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Last year I looked ahead to what was in store for Haunts Jaunts in 2010. I didn’t set too many goals. I had three pretty simple ones:

  1. Haunt Jaunt more.
  2. Write more travel-specific posts (as opposed to so many about ghost TV shows).
  3. Institute more theme days.

So how’d I do?


I did make several Haunt Jaunts. I still haven’t written about them all yet, though. I have a truckload of things I still want to write about from our 10 day Canada/New England cruise.

Maybe in 2011 I should resolve not only to jaunt as much as possible but also to write about them faster? I don’t know why I haven’t even shared more of the pictures or videos on HJ’s FB page. Shameful!


I do feel I did better with this one. Ghost TV shows are hot, and are still my guilty pleasure to watch, but I tried to focus less on them than I did in 2009. Especially criticizing them. If anything, I realized they are good for something other than entertainment.

I made a concerted effort to write more about haunted places themselves, as well as subjects dealing with paranormal tourism in general. I hope to continue that in 2011.


Other than Movie Monday and Wordless Wednesday, with the occasional Friday Fun thrown in, I didn’t do too well on this one. Mainly because I couldn’t really think of any clever or catchy theme day names like so many other bloggers I know have come up with.

However, towards the end of the year I did start to think more along the lines of theme days. Twitter has Travel Tuesdays that inspired me to try and contribute more travel-specific paranormal posts on those days.

I think in 2011 I’d like to institute a few more: Haunt Jaunts Was Here Wednesdays, Tech Thursdays, and Feature Fridays. We’ll see how successful I am.

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I also had a lofty ambition to try and reach 5,000 Twitter followers by today, 12/31/10. Didn’t reach that, but I still did pretty good. Haunt Jaunts is now up to over 2,000 followers. That’s not too shabby at all! Plus, they are some of the most devoted Tweeters a Tweep could ask for, so I’d rather have all 2,000 of them than 5,000 for the sake of 5,000, you know?

And HJ’s Facebook page blew up way more than I expected too. I didn’t set any concrete goals for it. (At least none in writing.) I was hoping to get to 100 and ended up skyrocketing past that goal. It’s currently over 550 followers.  I consider that HJ’s year-end bonus.

Did you make any goals at the end of last year? Did you take inventory to see how you did?


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