Did Sci-Fi World reach its Kickstarter funding goal?

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Hollywood Sci-Fi World temporary logo 2021

On Nov. 17, 2021, Sci-Fi World made a big announcement and revealed its projected grand opening date. Sort of.  It was kind of contingent on a successful Kickstarter campaign.

If all went well and they reached their goal of raising at least $350,000, they aimed to open six months after the campaign ended. Which would’ve been around mid-2022.

Well, the Sci-Fi World Kickstarter campaign recently ended. Did they hit their goal?  And if not, what does that mean for the museum?

The Sci-Fi Kickstarter Campaign Results

It breaks my heart to report this, but no. The non-profit museum created by fans for fans did not reach its goal.

I knew it was an ambitious one, but I figured they might have a chance and it might catch traction. Surely there’d be some die-hard sci-fi fans, not to mention generous actors, who’d want to see a museum created for costumes, props, and sets from shows like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and even Star Wars?

I mean, they were even going to have a full replica of the Enterprise Bridge from Star Trek where visitors could sit and take photos and such.

But it didn’t happen. In the end, only 167 backers came forward and pledged $7,354.


What went wrong with the Sci-Fi World Kickstarter campaign?

On behalf of himself and the Sci-Fi World volunteers, John Purdy shared this note with backers:

Hello all, and thank you for pledging. Even though this Kickstarter didn’t work, we all tried our best.

There were a few factors WHY it didn’t work, mostly it was due to a PR company who guaranteed to get us articles, retweets from celebrities, and promote us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, to millions of followers. Needless to say, that didn’t happen because they didn’t do their job.

The good news is, due to this KS, some new opportunities have presented themselves. We will be updating you soon.

That really stinks that the PR company dropped the ball, but hopefully in the end it will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. I’ll keep you posted with any further developments.

EXPLORE MORE:  Sci-Fi World FINALLY a Done Deal: Opens May 27, 2024

For More Info

Visit hollywoodscifi.org.


What’s your favorite sci-fi film(s) and/or series?


  1. My fave science fiction film is Wrath of Khan the original. The remake is pretty darn good too! So is Blade Runner (both of them). And 2001!

  2. Author

    Where have I been? I didn’t realize there was a remake of the Wrath of Khan!


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