Did You Catch These Two Curious Moments During the “Kindred Spirits” Season 4 Series Premiere?

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As far as entertainment, Kindred Spirits’ season premiere was good. Amy and Adam, as always, are both extremely likable, and the show is orchestrated in a way to deliver the most intriguing and engaging storyline possible. So, yeah. It’s good entertainment.

But I’m wondering if anyone else spotted a couple curious moments during the episode. Specifically:

  1. The story about the psychic.
  2. The school is not as isolated as they try to sell it as.

The School Psychic

During the initial tour of the Farrar School, Amy asks the caretaker, Will, if the owners noticed paranormal activity when they first bought the school. He says no.

However, he says that shortly after they purchased it, a psychic stopped by and urged the Olivers to “open it up.” (Will doesn’t specify open it up to paranormal investigations, but he implies it.)

That seemed a little suspicious to me. Or like part of the story was either edited out or not completely divulged.

Did the psychic just stop in, or was she invited? Does one way versus the other matter?


Will explained that the Olivers initially purchased the school with the idea of turning it into an event space. That shows their intent is to make money from the place.

However, if they didn’t notice any activity when they bought the school, why would they need a psychic? Had they heard the building was haunted and were just curious to see if it was?

Except, Will made it sound more like a random psychic had just decided to stop by.


What was the psychic’s motivation? It’s not common for psychics to just impose themselves on people like that, much less give unsolicited advice about what an owner should do with their property. And who follows advice like that anyway?

Put it this way: if a psychic just stopped by your house and said, “It’s haunted. You should let people in here to investigate,” would you listen?

All I know is something didn’t add up about the story, but it does make a good story to hype the school’s haunted factor, right?

Not Isolated

At the very beginning of the episode, there’s a flyover shot of where the school is located. During the episode it’s stressed again and again how isolated the school is.

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No. There’s not a lot around, but it’s not as out in the middle of nowhere as they try to make it seem. I present Exhibit A:

Aerial view of crossroads near Farrar School
Aerial view of crossroads near Farrar School. (The school is the building nestled in the trees top middle of the shot.) Source: Travel Channel

And now for Exhibit B.

During the first night’s investigation, Amy and Adam are in one of the classrooms. (Maybe Mrs. Martin’s room? Not sure about that.)

Anyway, there’s a window behind Amy. At one point, a car’s headlights come into view as it passes.

Amy Bruni on investigation in a classroom at Farrar School
Amy Bruni on investigation in a classroom at Farrar School. Note the window behind her. Source: Travel Channel
Amy Bruni on investigation at Farrar Schoolhouse
See the light in the window behind Amy’s shoulder? It’s from headlights you see going by in this scene. Source: Travel Channel

First off, if cars are going by, it can’t be that far off the beaten path.

Second, moments after the car drives by is when Adam hears a noise and says it came from outside.

Adam Berry's startled face at Farrar School
What did Adam hear to cause this face? Source: Travel Channel
Adam Berry hears a noise outside of Farrar School
The caption was included during the scene when Adam loudly whispers, “I mean, that was outside.” Source: Travel Channel

Was it the car stopping? Or other people outside?

You know the reputation small towns have. It’s hard to keep anything quiet. A TV crew filming an episode is going to get around.

So, yeah. There was a noise outside. Big deal. It could’ve been any number of things, but probably not anything supernatural.

Or was it, and it was just unfortunate timing that a car went by right before?

I don’t know, but there were some compelling stories to add to the drama of the first episode of Kindred Spirits new season. Whether they were just stories or truth, however, well…that’s for each of us to make our own determinations.


What’s your thoughts about all this?


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