Do You Have a Memento Mori?

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Memento Mori sign above the shop in Disney's Magic Kingdom
Another great place to shop: the Memento Mori store near the Haunted Mansion ride at Magic Kingdom!

Ever since the cancer, most days are January 3, a.k.a. Memento Mori Day. Well, maybe not quite as frequent as when I was first diagnosed and the several years immediately following remission. But, yes, even now just about every day I find myself contemplating my mortality.

It’s a good check. Pre-cancer I wasn’t living right. I wasn’t honoring my authentic self or allowing myself to live. I let fear –of both success and failure– limit me.

Cancer was a wake-up call that my heart longed to do so much, but wasn’t. So I made a list of everything I’d like to do once I was well enough again.

Nowadays I always question, “If I die tomorrow, will this matter/will I regret doing or not doing X/is this really how I want to spend my time?”

Haunt Jaunts was on my initial list of things I wanted to do. So I guess you could say it’s a constant memento mori!

But other than that, do I have any other memento moris? However, if the Skeleton Crew counts, then yes!

Skeleton Crew on the couch
From left to right: Skarlett, Smalls, Skellie, and Skowls

But if not, than no. I really don’t.

Knowing Memento Mori Day was coming, out of curiosity I went on Amazon to search “memento mori.” (Any excuse to put shop!)

Should I have been surprised to find stuff? No. Amazon literally has everything. And, yet, I was surprised.

Patches, mugs, jewelry and coins –lots and lots of coins.  There was even memento mori perfume and nail polish! (Except the perfume is cuckoo crazy pricey!)

There was enough neat stuff I figured, why not add another section to the Skareporium?

Here’s a few of the items you’ll find in the new Memento Mori section:


Momento Mori Wristbands – This is more of an accessory, I guess, but some people consider bands like this jewelry, so…

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Memento Mori Silver Necklace

Masonic Skull over Book Memento Mori Mens Biker Ring


Memento Mori Ancient Warriors Embroidered Patch

Memento Mori Back Patch

Memento Mori Dance of Death Danse Macabre Patch

Mugs & Glasses

Memento Mori 16 Oz Stainless Tumbler Double Wall Vacuum Coffee Mug With Splash Proof Lid

Red Memento Mori Mug

Memento Mori Pint Glass


Memento Mori The Last Laugh-1 oz Copper Round

Memento Mori Copper Reminder Coin

Copper Plated Memento Mori, Dia de Los Muertos – This coin combines both Death Days!


Memento Mori Necktie

Memento Mori Playing Cards

Cirque Colors Creme Nail Polish – Memento Mori – Best Black

Kilian Black Phantom- Memento Mori Perfume – I have no idea what this smells like, but I hope amazing. It retails for $496! But as of this post it was $297 on Amazon.


Have you ever shopped for a memento mori? Did you know Amazon sold any?


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