Does Syfy Assume Their Entire Audience Is Ignorant?

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Today Gnostalgia raised some interesting questions about whether paranormal TV is staged or hoaxed (or perhaps both). Barry’s no more satisfied with Syfy’s latest paranormal programming offering (Haunted Collector) than I am. And Finding Bigfoot has only turned out to be laughable. (See also another great Gnostalgia post: Finding Bigfoot on Talk Soup.)

Let me give it to you straight: Syfy’s done pissed me off royal. I wanted to like Fact or Faked. But then they had to go and try to package it as some kind of X-Files. Ben Hansen ain’t no Mulder. (Even though the show tries to profile him that way.)

Now we’ve got the Haunted Collector.

Oh, where do I even begin with the woes I’ve got about that show?


Let me make one caveat before I begin, because I’m about to get brutally honest.

Before the debut of Haunted Collector, I respected John Zaffis as an authority in the paranormal community. (Authority vs. expert because I don’t believe there are any experts when it comes to all of this stuff.) I still respect him, but I’m questioning his motives, which has, unfortunately, cost some trust.


John Zaffis has no more particular credentials that qualify him for bringing home haunted items than I do. Okay, I’ll give you that he’s been a paranormal researcher for 40 years. He’s related to two other well known figures in the paranormal world: Ed and Lorraine Warren. He’s worked with priests, monks, and the like.


Yes, he’s put in some time, but doing what exactly? Apparently bringing home haunted items and exposing his family to them.

If you even believe that items can be haunted, which I happen not to.

But for the sake of argument, say something attaches itself to a haunted item. He says he “cleanses” things before bringing them into his museum. Or tries to.

Um, here’s my problem with that. What if I decide to haunt a certain item when I die? I don’t follow any particular religion. Good luck cleansing the item of me. The only laws I abide to are the natural ones. Only the Universe can harness those. I’m not going to respect spiritual laws once I pass over. So explain to me how the hell someone like John Zaffis is going to cleanse my energy off something?

Not by destroying the item or setting it on fire. According to the FAQs on his Museum of the Paranormal website:

The reason that most items are not destroyed is because this action can hold severe repercussions. It can be dangerous for an individual to destroy an item used in spiritual practicing because the spirit attached to that object will often gravitate towards the individual who destroys it.

You know what he does with objects like the hypothetical one someone like me might haunt? Again, straight from his museum’s site:

…there have been some items which carry with it such a strong spirit that a cleansing ritual will not be effective. When John comes across such an artifact, it is often disposed of by burying it in the ground or throwing it into a body of water.

Um, even though that isn’t destroying it in the sense of smashing it up or turning it to ashes, water and soil will eventually erode it, and, hence. destroy it. What’s the difference?

And let’s talk about his daughter. At the very start of last night’s show she talked about how uncomfortable she’d been as a girl when her dad would bring home these haunted items, and how it’s taken her a long time to make peace with it and be okay with it.


Click! (That’s me turning off Haunted Collector last night.)

Done, done, done with the show.

That part pissed me off. Why? Because, referring yet again to his museum’s FAQs, I’d read the following A. in response to the following Q:

Q: Why do you collect the items in the museum? Is it a good idea to display these items to the public?

A: John collects these items in the hopes that they will educate people about the dangers of delving into the spiritual world. John hopes that people will leave the museum with a better understanding of the risks associated with the world of the supernatural. John also hopes that people will understand the dangers of opening the doors to the spiritual realm without a solid understanding the consequences.

Refer back to his un-special credentials. He’s a researcher. He has some famous relatives. He’s not God or any other powers that be. What makes him any less susceptible to the consequences of the supernatural world than any others who dabble in it? (Because, let’s face it, when you come right down to it, he’s dabbling too.)

Oh wait, his museum’s FAQs has an answer for that too:

With most of the items in the museum, they have been used in rituals, usually when spells are being cast. Although the items are not “possessed,” energy can be sent towards an object. Items can hold energy within or around them, and it is usually the result of the energy being sent to the object by an individual.

If the items he’s collected for his museum have been acquired as per how he does it on his show, how the hell does he even know they became “infected” (for lake of a better term) by a spell gone wrong in the first place? I find it very hard to believe that many people are casting spells. (Except for lame ass producers who are trying to beguile me as a viewer.)

Dammit, Syfy, quit insulting my intelligence! I’m a smart viewer who would appreciate smart programming. The only reason I still watch Destination Truth is because you’ve never tried to pass Josh Gates off as anything other than a wise-cracking adventurer, not as any kind of expert or special guru. (I’ll admit, it doesn’t hurt that he’s some mighty yummy eye candy, too.)


But, come on. Show a little respect to the intelligence level of your viewers. We’re not gullible. We expect more now. We have standards. After all, we learned about debunking and thinking through things logically from your biggest hit, Ghost Hunters.

Actually, take it one step further. Show a little respect to the paranormal community overall. Shows like Fact or Faked and Haunted Collector ultimately diminish the credibility and do more damage than good to the reputation of the paranormal community as a whole.

Please quit compromising integrity for the sake of so-called entertainment. (Which, FYI, HC isn’t all that entertaining. Besides, you’ve already got a fictonal show like it, don’t you? Um, isn’t it called Warehouse 13?)


  1. You make some really good points. Haunted Collector left me with many questions, though I’m not sure if John Zaffis is completely responsible. Really, all of these shows are “paratainment.” They’re produced solely as entertainment and the producers see them as that. If these shows were all scholarship and facts they would be dry and might not get past the pilot. Sadly, that’s what sells in modern America. I see the same thing in the theatre, the actors and directors want to do Shakespeare, the classics or cutting edge modern drama while the executives nix those ideas in favour of middle of road, “family” comedies that don’t push any buttons and have been done repeatedly already. Everything is geared towards the average or sometimes the lowest common denominator.

    What we have to do is demand a change. Certainly by our viewing habits but also by writing to the networks and producers. I know I would love to see an intelligent show that doesn’t exploit the fear factor in terms of the paranormal. But also a show that doesn’t always skew every haunting with frightening music and effects. Certainly, not every ghost is scary and honestly, it’s discrimination towards the spirit realm. 

  2. Spiritual laws ARE universal laws. That is why exorcisms and psychic cleansing works in different cultures the same way, Catolic exorcists can be as successful as Taoist monk. It’s all about intention and energy work. And if you won’t like to leave  as spirit, then spiritual workers can force you to leave.

    “Um, even though that isn’t destroying it in the sense of smashing it up or turning it to ashes, water and soil will eventually erode it, and, hence. destroy it. What’s the difference?”

    Ground grounds, water cleanse. The physical object is destroyed by Nature, not by man. And the energy returnes to the source – the Nature.

    “What makes him any less susceptible to the consequences of the supernatural world than any others who dabble in it?”

    Knowledge. A man skilled in energetic arts is much better protected than an ordinary guy from the street, or even a ghost hunter.

    ” how the hell does he even know they became “infected” (for lake of a better term) by a spell gone wrong in the first place? I find it very hard to believe that many people are casting spells”

    Psychometry, and psychic sensitivity. I doubt that a man like Zaffis isn’t psychic sensitive after all these years. Energies can be sensed. As for spells, real magick is being practiced these days all around the world. 

    Sorry Courtney, this time I cannot stand side by side with you. You sound like a typical paranormal interested person, who likes to watch TV shows and visit haunted places, but is totally ignorant for the energy, spiritual planes, psychic phenomena and magical arts. People become ghost hunters, then they’re running around with cameras and audio recorders, and they wonder “how is this possible”, or “how can he do this”. Sorry, but being a less ignorant and more knowledgeable about things like astral planes, energetics, practical magick etc. would create a great ghost hunter. It’s what most ghost hunters do – they go into haunted place to do the “research”, and they end up with attached spirit to themselves, because they failed to learn a bit about spirits in the first place.

  3. Love, Love, Love what you wrote! I totally feel the same way! I used to be a huge fan of Ghost Hunters until I seen the You Tube Video of what appeared to be Grant pulling something in his sleeve that would make his jacket look like something pulled on it!!! I was pissed and sad because not only had I felt like I was used, but I also felt like I lost something dear to me. I never really watched the show since. It was something that I always looked forward to. I would have my girl friends over and we would watch GH and get spooked together. I now feel the same about that dumb ass show Ghost Adventures. Even though people like you and I believe these shows to be fake, SYFY will continue to make shows like so because they for some reason get great ratings. I think people like to decide for themselves whether or not something is real or fake…It gives them too something to look forward to. I dont think there will ever be a genuine paranormal show aired!

  4. Thank you, Tiffany. And I felt the same way you did about GH. I was hooked on that show too. I think a lot of people were. And then…the stunts. Sad. And you’re right. I’m being too naive thinking they could ever really air a show and have it be entertaining too. Real investigations are boring. (For the most part.) Sigh. Well…I wouldn’t mind so much if they didn’t package them as real or the people as experts. Thanks again for the comment!

  5. Nathan, I love that you disagreed, but I’m certainly NOT “totally ignorant for the energy, spiritual planes, psychic phenomena and magical arts.” You’re thinking is just like what Zaffis trying to pass off. Just because you claim to be psychic you are? Wrong. (I mean, yes, you very well may be. I have my moments of insight too, but I also know that ANYBODY can make such a claim, but very few can truly back it up.)

    I did appreciate you reminding me of this “Ground grounds, water cleanse. The physical object is destroyed by Nature, not by man. And the energy returnes to the source – the Nature.”

    EXCEPT fire IS also nature. PLUS, man has to subject the object in one of these elements to begin with, then nature takes care of the rest. That IS man destroying it, using Nature.

    The thing I have the most trouble with is the flawed thinking that knowledge makes someone more qualified, or gives them some kind of special power, to deal with so-called harmful energies. Not so. Sure, someone with knowledge may be more aware of them, but there is no science to any of that, my friend. If there were, the world we live in would operate much differently.

    And I’d be fine with him saying he was a psychometrist, but he’s not. That’s not even how he’s determining the objects are haunted. He’s guesstimating, shamming, and scamming. It’s a total joke.

    But I’m glad you did stop by and shared your honest thoughts. I respect that.

  6. I love your word “paratainment.” Your comment also made me realize something I had forgotten about a year ago when I got so disgusted: I’m expecting too much. You’re right: ghost hunting at its essence is really quite boring. It wouldn’t bring in viewers. They need the gimmicktry. (if that’s even a word?)

    And your last sentence? PRICELESS!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. (And reminding me not to take it all so seriously anyway.)

  7. I’m not sure I agree with all your points, but I do think most paranormal TV is 99% show and the hosts must be showmen before they are authorities in the paranormal. 

  8. Courtney,

    Fire is nature. So we agree on one thing, Mr. Zaffis is wrong on this part :). At least according to my knowledge, destroying an object is the safest method of getting rid of it. 

    You say that there is no science behind energies and paranormal. This is what I call ‘ignorance’. There is science – spiritual science. But because Western man does not consider spiritual laws legitimate, he is unable to understand how can these laws work. 

    Let me tell you this – if you understand the spiritual laws, and you’ve spent some time practicing energy work, then you’re capable of dealing with things that Western science does not consider real.

    The problem is – the man of the West think that his logical and rational point of view is the only one real, and whatever it is that cannot be explained by this rational thinking, at the same time it cannot be controlled. But this is where the man of the West is wrong. Learning the laws of spiritual planes, understanding them, and practicing with them makes you capable of doing many things. 

    You are correct, everyone can claim to be psychic, yet not everyone really is. But tell me something, is it a reason to speculate that if you don’t understand something, then it doesn’t exists? Because this is what you’ve done in the comment, you don’t understand something, and you speculate it doesn’t exists, and thus, cannot be used in practical way.

  9. Courtney,

    Fire is nature. So we agree on one thing, Mr. Zaffis is wrong on this part :). At least according to my knowledge, destroying an object is the safest method of getting rid of it. 

    You say that there is no science behind energies and paranormal. This is what I call ‘ignorance’. There is science – spiritual science. But because Western man does not consider spiritual laws legitimate, he is unable to understand how can these laws work. 

    Let me tell you this – if you understand the spiritual laws, and you’ve spent some time practicing energy work, then you’re capable of dealing with things that Western science does not consider real.

    The problem is – the man of the West think that his logical and rational point of view is the only one real, and whatever it is that cannot be explained by this rational thinking, at the same time it cannot be controlled. But this is where the man of the West is wrong. Learning the laws of spiritual planes, understanding them, and practicing with them makes you capable of doing many things. 

    You are correct, everyone can claim to be psychic, yet not everyone really is. But tell me something, is it a reason to speculate that if you don’t understand something, then it doesn’t exists? Because this is what you’ve done in the comment, you don’t understand something, and you speculate it doesn’t exists, and thus, cannot be used in practical way.

  10. Courtney,

    Fire is nature. So we agree on one thing, Mr. Zaffis is wrong on this part :). At least according to my knowledge, destroying an object is the safest method of getting rid of it. 

    You say that there is no science behind energies and paranormal. This is what I call ‘ignorance’. There is science – spiritual science. But because Western man does not consider spiritual laws legitimate, he is unable to understand how can these laws work. 

    Let me tell you this – if you understand the spiritual laws, and you’ve spent some time practicing energy work, then you’re capable of dealing with things that Western science does not consider real.

    The problem is – the man of the West think that his logical and rational point of view is the only one real, and whatever it is that cannot be explained by this rational thinking, at the same time it cannot be controlled. But this is where the man of the West is wrong. Learning the laws of spiritual planes, understanding them, and practicing with them makes you capable of doing many things. 

    You are correct, everyone can claim to be psychic, yet not everyone really is. But tell me something, is it a reason to speculate that if you don’t understand something, then it doesn’t exists? Because this is what you’ve done in the comment, you don’t understand something, and you speculate it doesn’t exists, and thus, cannot be used in practical way.

  11. Courtney,

    Fire is nature. So we agree on one thing, Mr. Zaffis is wrong on this part :). At least according to my knowledge, destroying an object is the safest method of getting rid of it. 

    You say that there is no science behind energies and paranormal. This is what I call ‘ignorance’. There is science – spiritual science. But because Western man does not consider spiritual laws legitimate, he is unable to understand how can these laws work. 

    Let me tell you this – if you understand the spiritual laws, and you’ve spent some time practicing energy work, then you’re capable of dealing with things that Western science does not consider real.

    The problem is – the man of the West think that his logical and rational point of view is the only one real, and whatever it is that cannot be explained by this rational thinking, at the same time it cannot be controlled. But this is where the man of the West is wrong. Learning the laws of spiritual planes, understanding them, and practicing with them makes you capable of doing many things. 

    You are correct, everyone can claim to be psychic, yet not everyone really is. But tell me something, is it a reason to speculate that if you don’t understand something, then it doesn’t exists? Because this is what you’ve done in the comment, you don’t understand something, and you speculate it doesn’t exists, and thus, cannot be used in practical way.

  12. Not sure how I missed this post last week!  See what happens when I slack?  😉  Funny, I had missed that debut of Haunted Collector due to severe storms in my area, but then this past week I didn’t even bother to watch the second episode…for some reason the commercials didn’t capture my attention enough to take time away from whatever I was doing to check out this new show.  Seems I’m not missing much, eh? 

    I too have been disappointed in some of the Syfy “reality shows” going too far out of the realm of “reality” for the sake of entertainment/ratings.  But then again, any reality show on any network – whose “reality” is that anyway?  Perhaps they need to come up with a better classification for this genre.  In Syfy’s case, I also kinda like the term “paratainment” (and I can agree with the rest of the comments Lewis makes as well.) 

    Personally, I was really disappointed when a former TAPS member came out to the public about some “evidence” having been staged for the show.  This was after I had already met Jay & Grant in person and they had investigated for people I knew, and I had personally judged them to be stand-up guys and didn’t believe they would be “sell outs” in such a way. I’m still rather up in the air on GH not knowing quite who to believe, but I still watch it for a few other reasons – interesting locations, some that I’ve been to and experienced paranormal activity there myself, Steve & Tango’s antics crack me up, etc. 

    Destination Truth still tops my list of Syfy reality shows too – heck, aside from my interest in the paranormal, I don’t get to travel much, so I travel the world vicariously through DT with a handsome and humorous tour guide.

    Here’s where I’m going to have to disagree with you:

    “If you even believe that items can be haunted, which I happen not to.”

    This I do believe, because I’ve seen it, experienced it for myself.

    I will agree with you that the comments basically saying that spells being cast causes items to be haunted is a little hokey.  While it may be an occasional fluke that spellwork attracts a wandering spirit…out of all the witches in the world I know, not a one has ever mentioned something like this being a result of their spell-work. Granted, I’m no expert on other forms of magic (added k not necessary here as I’m pretty sure we all understand we’re not talking David Copperfield kinda magic, and I do not practice Aleister Crowley’s brand of magic), but Witchcraft is one of the most widely practiced forms of magic today, and most modern-day witches don’t tend to work with spirits in spells.  As far as “enchanting” an item, or infusing an item with particular energy – in my experience, much like digital camera batteries need recharging after a length of use, an item will also lose its “charge” eventually.  I’d be hard pressed to believe an individual human has enough energy to harness a spirit and trap it in an item for good.  Seems to me that spirits are only attached to items due to some sort of traumatic event in their physical lives, and/or the item is of value/interest to them personally.

    Anyway, those are a few of my thoughts on the comments here.  LOL on the comparison to Warehouse 13!  🙂

  13. THANK YOU! I’m so glad you stopped by, because I was curious about someone with a wicca background and their take on all of this.

    And I just have to clarify something…I don’t believe items can be haunted, but I do believe they can carry energy(ies). Which I view as different from being haunted. I also very much believe that there has to be some kind of connection to the item for it to carry any energy. I just don’t believe in random energy attaching to random objects and “haunting” them. I should’ve been more clear about that.

    VERY glad you stopped by to share your take, because you actually came to mind many times as I’ve been thinkng on all this, just knowing your particular background and spiritual orientation. 😉

  14. Okay, I’m losing something in the translation when I’m replying to you, because I totally believe (and have experienced) what you classify as “spiritual laws” but I term them differently. Law of attraction, karma, etc…all based in Eastern beliefs. I believe in the universal energies and frequencies which govern Life and Its movements. I call them by a different name, but I believe you and I are talking about the same thing.

    And I hear what you’re saying about “is it a reason to speculate that if you don’t understand something, then it doesn’t exists?”

    Sadly, people do this all the time. And in some instances, yes, it’s true. If you ignore something hard enough, you can convince yourself it doesn’t exist. Likewise, if you don’t give it energy by believing in it, it won’t exist. (Or you can make it cease to exist, because, again, you’re stripping it of its power, or energy.)

    I see it all the time with astrology. People often tell me it’s a bunch of BS, but time and time again I see it in action and can show examples of how circumstances lined up to match planetary aspects.

    I don’t see where I speculated something doesn’t exist (unless you’re refering to haunted objects, then yes I did say that). Again, as I replied to Kimberley’s comment below, I believe in objects carrying energy, but not being haunted or cursed. Again, people give objects power as being cursed. That’s how I see it. I can bring examples of that, just as I’m sure others can bring up examples to the contrary.

    Until there’s a way to for certain prove one or the other hypothesis correct, it’s all just conjecture.

    Except for energies. I see that at work in my life every single day. I’m not disputing Eastern spirituality with you. In some cases Western science has even proven it legit.

    One thing I do know, is the human mind is the most powerful energy source of all. Most people regularly underestimate that. Nope, not disputing that with you at all.  

  15. Everything pretty much in that is all true, but  I would have to add though that Ghost Hunters is also for your entertainment only. No wonder personal communication with these people isn’t just jibberish, but also a joke and no wonder they wouldn’t take a real case. It was/is way to real for them. What a joke.




  19. Is it just reruns of Ghost Lab on Green Channel, Andy? I know they investigated at a place here in TN but I haven’t seen that episode yet. I think they had got canceled on Discover before it aired.

  20. Andy, I have been thinking about you and got worried when I didn’t see you. Happy to see something from you! Glad you dodged all the bad weather that hit you all this spring. First the airport, then Joplin…bad news. Oh, and I don’t know how you posted those pics in your comment, but they are wicked cool!!!!!!!!!


  22. WOW! How cool! And so neat they post pics like that. Thanks so much for sharing all this great info, Andy! I know how passionate you are about Creepyworld. Hope they know what a good spokesperson they have in you! 😉


  24. Just saw my first episode of Haunted Collector. The one where they did the flower test and found the pocket watch….did anyone else notice the time laps manipulation in the flower test…watch the top left flower. I guess it didn’t fall down as fast as they wanted it to. Its standing straight then it is suddenly all the way flopped over. Doesn’t really add to the credibility of the show or the people involved.

  25. Author

    I did not see that episode, but now I want to to see what you’re talking about. Thanks for leaving this comment, Lisa!

  26. You do understand that there are no such thing as ghosts, right? To think otherwise is ridiculous, and infantile. Grow up and start concentrating your time and energy on something that is real. SyFy is not the ignorant ones, YOU ARE!!! They are in the business of ENTERTAINMENT! Duh! Again, there are no such things as ghosts. When you die, you’re dead and that’s it. Nothing more and nothing less..

  27. First off, I am so glad that other people are picking up on this guy’s BS!!! My first intuition was that this guy is def dabbling in the supernatural as well…the movie 13 Ghosts came to mind…he is up to something and I am so glad other people are catching on to his BS…..why would someone want a room full of energy infused items? What is he trying to conjure up?

  28. I totally disagree about items not being haunted. They can be haunted and people can be haunted too. One being a sensitive all my life I refuse to buy used things used or go to consignment stores knowing what the repercussions would be for myself. People who are negative will put that on their physical things. I remember one time I passed a lady and as I passed her I got extremely dizzy, not a fun experience. I did go by again just to make sure it was her and yes it wad definitely her. When I got away from her I was so much better. Also coming from a native american culture it’s certain things we believe in and spirits are definitely one of them. So growing up psychic I have definitely seen all kinds of things and experienced from the scary to the very loving energy of all kinds of spirits. Land, people, buildings and objects can most definitely haunted and I have seen it.

  29. You know I am a big believer in the paranormal but I don’t always accept everything for fact. I am open to anything but I’m always looking for proof. I remember the early days of GH. Man there would be weeks before they found anything of note. Now it seems like evidence pops up more and more.

    This brings me to what irks me with Haunted Collector. It seems as though they ALWAYS have great pieces of evidence. Like class A evps, amazing full bodies apparition stills or video. Stuff that GH never gets. It just seems too scripted. Also their reactions to things seem disingenuous. And this is me only watching like 2 or 2 episodes.

    Lately I feel that Ghost Adventures is more legit than anything else on TV. Although I so enjoy Stranded. I feel that perhaps GH and most of the reality ghost shows are taking a turn for Hollywood and just trying to ‘wow’ the viewers.

    Oh well, my two cents. Great article. Cheers.

  30. What gets me about Haunted Collector is the fact that John seems to be reading off cue cards when he’s talking to the camera about what happened and when, or sometimes when he’s talking to clients. The clients’ reactions to when he is telling them he’ll figure out the cause of the haunting or that he HAS seems fake, sometimes too overjoyed or something. The last thing: when they’re doing EVP sessions. They probably have more in between the three questions they show, but it’s always the “What is your name?” that gets a response. And it’s always the third question they show that the team asks. I really do like this show, but I do think it’s fake. You can never fully trust a “reality” show or a “documentary” because they’re fake at one point or another. I WOULD like a show on TV that isn’t the least bit staged or tampered with. I believe in the paranormal, but I must say that 90% of SyFy is fake.


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