Anyone who’s ever stayed in a hotel room is probably familiar with the sign that’s on the back of most doors. You know, the one with the check out time and evacuation routes in case of a fire? But when’s the last time you actually paid attention to the hotel safety information?
Due to the Iowa family who was found dead in Mexico after inhaling toxic gases in their vacation rental, there have been a lot of stories on TV recently about how to stay safe in hotel rooms and such. It reminded me of some photos I took during our jaunt to California and Southeast Asia at the beginning of this year.
Here, let me show you. It’s easier that way.
Besides, it makes for a fun review of hotel safety info.
Safety Information on the Queen Mary
I have to say I was a little disappointed with the room we stayed in on the Queen Mary. (I wrote about the weird photos I got during the ghost tour, but not about our actual stay. One of these days maybe I’ll write about that in another post.)
However, there were some neat things about the room. Like a little booklet that was designed to look like a passport. It was their hotel information guide. In addition to detailing the places to eat aboard the ship, the services available and the tours offered, it also included a safety information section.
I felt compelled to take a photo of the safety information section because:
- It gave more detailed tips than what I’d seen on the back-of-the-door signs I’ve seen in other hotel rooms. (Which might also include these tips. I’m not sure. Next time I’m staying in a hotel I’ll look.)
- I don’t know that I’ve ever seen this kind of info in a hotel room before. (Unless it is on those back-of-the-door signs, in which case I clearly have not been paying attention.)
- It was a great reminder about safety tips I’d learned as a kid, but have not thought about since then.
Cruise Safety
We cruise a lot. In fact, I chose to stay on the Queen Mary before we caught our flight to Singapore where we were going to take a Southeast Asia cruise.
There are mandatory safety information drills on cruises. (If you’ve cruised before, you know what I’m talking about.)
Cruise safety drills tell you what to do if you hear a certain series of whistles, which will alert you to an emergency.
But even with those drills there’s not a lot of specific info in case you encounter a fire aboard ship.
Which is why I also think the Queen Mary’s safety information caught my eye. I would not know to touch my door to see if it’s hot or cold first.
The Courtesy Gas Mask in the Guangzhou Hotel Room
Perhaps one of the biggest adventures during our Southeast Asia trip was the layover in Guangzhou, China.
Because we had a 23 hour layover, China Southern Airlines was required to put us up in a hotel. (From what I understand. All I know is we got to pick the hotel, but we didn’t have to pay for it. That hotel adventure is one I really do need to write about. It’s quite the story!)
Anyway, it was almost 1 a.m. by the time we checked into our hotel. I was exhausted, slap happy, and extremely disoriented. (Again, a post is required. It will give you better appreciation.)
I was trying to gather my stuff to do my bedtime routine (wash the face, take out the contacts, etc.), when my husband held up a box and said, “What in the world …”

Since Kim Jong Un had been in the news before we left because he kept threatening to flex his nuclear missile muscles, my first reaction was, “Gas mask? WTH? Are we in a chemical warfare zone? Where has my husband taken me now?!”
Um, simmer down there, Courtie. After getting some shut eye, the next day found me thinking more clearly.
Not for chemical warfare. More like a “life vest” for your lungs: a respirator. In case of fire.
Huh. That is definitely not something I’ve ever seen before.
It’s also kind of nice. And made me wonder why don’t American hotels have such amenities?
Do You Know All of These Fire Safety Tips to Stay Safe in Your Hotel Room?
Be honest. How many do you know? How many do you do? (Of the ones you can do, that is. Like knowing where the emergency exists are and keeping your key by your bed.)
Here’s to hoping you’re never in an actual fire and need to perform numbers four through eight!
- Find the two nearest exits to your room.
- Put your room key close to your bed.
- Know where the fire alarm nearest your room is.
- If the fire is in your room, get out and close the door.
- If the fire is not in your room, feel the door. If it’s hot, keep it shut and call for help and indicate you’re trapped. If it’s cold, get out.
- Crawl low in smoke.
- Don’t use an elevator during a fire.
- Escape, don’t investigate, when you hear a fire alarm.
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.