Drawing for a Winner of Joe Hill’s Heart-Shaped Box

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The hiccup I had with uploading the video of the Nancy Drew drawing made me a little gun shy. I thought I might not video the drawing for Joe Hill’s Heart-Shaped Box, but…part of the deal for doing the fiberdoodles-inspired Halloween Blog Party Giveaway was I wanted to prove I’m really doing drawings every time so….

Even though I gave the magic Halloween Hat a break this go around to test out Random.org’s number generator system, I decided fair is fair. I got it all on tape!

I also explained the use of all the wigs lately. Put it this way, Wayne will be very happy when the Halloween Store tent folds up shop and moves on, taking all of its temptations with it!

Anyway…who won? You know the drill. Watch and find out!

Thanks for playing everybody!

EXPLORE MORE:  MGM+ Halloween Marathon Includes 5 of Their Spookiest Shows


  1. it’s rigged it’s rigged! lol grats shooting star mag.

  2. Author

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! You must be crazy you think I’m going to rig any contest where an entrant with the name “The Godfather” enters! I don’t need no concrete shoes and a shove into a river, thank you very much! 😉

  3. haha well, thanks! I’m shocked I won again but I’ve wanted to read this one for awhile so yay!!!!


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