Drawing for the Winner of the $50 Best Western Gift Card

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Ahoy, me hearties! Thar she pulls…a name out of the magic Halloween Hat to determine the winner of the $50 Best Western gift card in this, the last of the fiberdoodles-inspired Halloween Blog Party Giveaways.

I said it in the video but it bears repeating again: Thank you to Sharon at fiberdoodles for hosting her wonderful Halloween Blog Party and allowing other bloggers like myself to participate. Thanks to Carol at PublishingWorks for being the special guest sponsor and donating the Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire and Haunted Cemeteries of New England books.

But most of all thanks to everyone who submitted entries, took the time to earn bonus entries, put up with my video drawings, and were very understanding as I dealt with the various hiccups and SNAFUs along the way. This turned out to be a great Halloween Blog Party because of all of YOU!

So enjoy this last drawing. Congrats again to the winner of this treat, as well as to the rest of you who won prizes in the other giveaways. It’s been a fun, but exhausting, Halloween and this pooped pirate is ready to put her booty to bed now!


  1. Thank you so much!!! This will be perfect for my anniversary coming up!! Yay!! And I love that your character was a pirate-so cute!! You are such a great gal! I also liked the cooking outfit 😉 and oh yeah! You got my name right good job! I sent the email to you a little while ago! Just wanted to stop here and say thanks!!! Happy Halloween!

  2. Congrats to Lisa! Courtney I had so much fun doing your contest. Thanks for all of the ones you did!! Your awesome!!!


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