Eastern State Penitentiary’s Ghost Hunt Prices

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Nighttime Facade of Eastern State, Photographer: Tom Bernard
Nighttime Facade of Eastern State, Photographer: Tom Bernard

In “The Dark Side of the Ghost Hunters Effect” I wrote “…if you want to investigate there with your team? Be prepared to shell out upwards of two grand (if not more)…for four hours.” in reference to Eastern State Penitentiary’s paranormal investigation prices.

That seemed to get a lot of people’ goats. And one person’s particular interest.


Vince Wilson of Ghost Tech Magazine wrote me last week saying he liked my article so much he’d like to publish it.

Well, before I lend my good name to Vince’s publication and put his good name on the line, I figured I better practice the philosophy  Javier and Gary over at GhostTheory preach (and practice vigilantly themselves): actual journalism.

That meant I better double, if not triple, check my facts.

So I called Eastern State this morning to ask about prices.


I spoke to a very helpful lady named Brenda. She informed me night paranormal investigations run $25 per person per hour, with four hours and five people minimums.

That comes out to $500.

However, I also learned:

  • There is a maximum number of people allowed: 15.
  • Investigations are usually limited to no later than 1 a.m.
  • They can be scheduled any day between 6 p.m. and 1 p.m. (With the exception of September 5 and November 15. There are no investigations during that time.)
  • They post an availability calendar online.
  • Investigations must be booked using their online booking form.
  • Only ONE group is allowed to investigate per night. (That’s kind of nice.)
  • A $200 deposit is required when booking a tour.
  • You don’t need to be a member of a paranormal investigation group to book the facility.
  • All equipment is BYOE.
  • There is an age requirement: minimum of 16 years old. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
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Technically you could get away with investigating Eastern State for $500. (If four hours and five people would suffice.)

However, it also technically could cost you more than the “upwards of $2,000” I initially reported. If you investigated from 6 p.m. until 1 a.m. with 15 people at $25 per person per hour, you’re looking at $2,625 to be exact.

But if you were allowed in a little earlier, like in December when the sun sets by 5 and you had 15 people? You’re at $3,000. (Brenda said they do sometimes allow this. But the only problem –aside from the price– is that it can be quite cold then.)

All of these prices are for one night only. If you wanted to book a weekend Friday and Saturday night deal…you see where I’m going with this? You’re either one helluva fundraiser or you’re independently wealthy. (Or you have some nice sponsors backing your successsful TV show…)

Anyway, I got my facts straight. I feel better now.

For further information check out http://www.easternstate.org/visit/ghost/.


  1. Here’s where serious science meets with pop-culture…

  2. I am suddenly jealous of your publication opportunity, LOL! That’s still cool though! I think they sell ‘Ghost Tech Magazine’ in Barnes and Nobles, don’t they?

    And you know, the more I read, the more ghost hunting seems like a rip. Honestly, if you have to PAY to find a haunted spot to canvas you’re either completely uncreative or completely unmotivated. Two grand?! Forget it. Five-hundred? Nuh-uh. I’d rather keep my eye out for local legend haunt sites or have an ear on the paranormal “street” to try and scout someplace no one has ever heard of before. Urban spelunking (it’s illegal kids but only if you get caught, hint-hint) and ghost hunting interlaced as one! You simply can’t get anymore exciting than that!!!

  3. Man, we need to buy an old prison or hospital… Yeah, that’s crazy. I’m sure there’s probably some issues with insurance, but still… jeez! Great research BTW!

  4. Nice research on this!
    I don’t always check the facts against themselves, then I get burned for it :p
    So I usually double check for peace of mind. Anyhows, great research on that Courtney! As Nathan put it, this is where science and pop culture meet, and this is the result. You are gonna get charged for your interests! (sounds like a credit card commercial).

    The costs are staggering honestly. Who has that sort of money to shell out to investigate a place? Now I see why paranormal investgators do not charge to investigate someone’s home…they are happy it’s free! I am glad I never got into the P.I. aspect of the paranormal…if I ever do, it will -after- I hit the lottery…

  5. Grim, I’m shocked at you! Aren’t you Mr. Law Enforcement? And here you are giving tips on how to skirt the law…LOVE IT! (Oh, and I don’t know where Ghost Tech Mag is sold. I’ll soon find out…)

    An old prison would be okay, Autumnforest, but I like your mine idea better! =)

    HAHA, Gary! Ghost hunting equipment: $1,000 A weekend investigation of ESP with 15 of your closest friends: $3,000 Getting no evidence: priceless. (I think that’s what suck would the most…shelling out all that money and not getting anything!)

    Oh, and thanks all for the compliments on the research. Gary and Javier have me stepping up my game. They’re my heroes. I want to be like them!


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