Fake News, Shout Outs, and Song Requests! (Oh My!)

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We’ve recently incorporated some new segments into our radio show. If you haven’t tuned in lately, here’s what you’ve missed:

Fake News or Not? Game

Real, but bizarre headlines, stories, events and celebrations we’ve shared on our site or social media accounts.

Or have we…? Come play along with our weekly guests and see if you can spot the fakes!

Be sure to check out the promo video we made for it too:

Skellie’s Shout Outs

Skellie wanted a way to get more involved with the show, so we created an email for him and have given him a couple new responsibilities.

The first is Shout Outs. We’ve charged him with rounding up names for us to shout out at the start of the show.

Each week he’ll be picking random Facebook and Twitter friends (which includes paranormal teams and pages, bloggers, etc.) along with fellow ParaMania Radio show hosts to give shout outs to.

However, he’s also happy to take suggestions. Got one?

Or want to have Skell help you celebrate a birthday or other special occasion? (ie. wedding anniversaries, promotions -whether that’s for work or a new book, movie, product release, business, etc– graduations, or any other kind of milestones.)

Give him a shout at his new email address to get some on air Skellie love: Skellie@HauntJaunts.net.

Skellie’s Song Requests

Skellie’s second new job duty is song requests.

We get to play a song during break each show.

Skellie thought it would be fun to take song requests and see what listeners like to listen to.

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If you have a song you’d like to hear us play, let Skellie know! Skellie@HauntJaunts.net.

Also be sure to check out the promo video we created to introduce Skellie’s Shout Out and Song Requests.


How to Tune In

Listen to ParaMania Radio on Tuesday nights at 8 pm Eastern / 5 pm Pacific / 1 am GMT.

Come be part of the Chat Room Crew in our Interactive Live Studio Audience! (a.k.a. the Chat Room. But ILSA sounds more fun, right?) www.ParaManiaRadio.com.

Or, as always, jaunt with us online anytime at www.HauntJaunts.net.

Use my new email to get in touch with me. Or, better yet, come join me on ParaMania Radio Tuesday nights at 8 pm Eastern. If you dare…


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