Have you ever been scrolling along on social media and you come across something that makes your heart go all a-flutter? You recognize a kindred spirit when you see one and your soul is doing a happy dance?
That’s how I felt when I discovered @huntersunknown on Instagram. And that’s what led me to their leader, @supernaturaltraveler, a.k.a. Cyndi Vojvoda.
Cyndi has inspired a whole bunch of as yet-to-be-written posts that she doesn’t even known she’s been the inspiration for. Including a write up of my jaunt to Wolf’s Mystery Museum in St. Augustine, which I discovered via one of her Instagram posts –and which I still need to write about.
We used to live in Jacksonville and Auggie was a regular haunt for us. How I never knew about this macabre museum I don’t know. Or maybe it opened after we moved. Either way I was psyched to learn of it and actually see it for myself, all thanks to the Supernatural Traveler!
Cyndi was kind enough to take some time to answer questions. She also made me feel better –again without even knowing it. Apparently she, too, has loads of supernatural travels to still write about that she hasn’t yet either. (You’ll see when you get to that answer.)
But without further ado, let’s get to the great Q&A shall we?
Q: Why do you like traveling to haunted places? What got you interested and how long have you been doing it?
Haunted places fascinate me. Most of the places are historical, even abandoned buildings which have beautiful architecture, interesting artifacts, and stories to tell. Each location is a potential mystery to be solved. Why is the place haunted? Who is haunting the place and why? Investigating these locations may lead to some answers or sometimes, more questions. I love to play detective.
I have been interested in haunted places my entire adult life. When Ghost Hunters started on TV, I realized that you can actually investigate places for yourself. First, I applied with a local paranormal group and when they didn’t pick me for their group I thought I can do this myself and created my own paranormal group called Hunters of the Unknown which has been around for 8 years. We investigate anything paranormal including hauntings, UFO sightings, and cryptids
such as Bigfoot.About a year ago I created my own page called Supernatural Traveler. I travel quite a bit, many times to haunted locations, so I wanted to record my adventures. I write a blog post about each investigation with my group, Hunters of the Unknown, and document all of my travels with tips on what to see and where to stay.

Q: I’ve commented before how much I really like your shots. I love that you use black and white in a lot of your @supernaturaltraveler ones. And your angles…you have such a good eye. What do you look for when you’re taking photos? And do you know ahead of time (like as you’re snapping them) that you’ll post them in B&W or do you play with that afterwards?
Thank you. I appreciate that! I love taking photographs. I can see the shot in my head. I look around and if I see what might be a good picture, I run for my phone to take some shots. I take shots at many different angles to find a good one by looking up or down, or getting on the ground and taking a photo angled up. I love black and photo photos. The best ones have contrasting elements like an interesting architecture to a building against a stormy sky. Clear skies are boring! I play with the black and white filter after I take the shot later at home. You might be surprised how good something looks in black and white but have no idea until you give it a try.
Here’s an example of her capturing contrasting elements:

Q: Speaking of playing with photos, which filter apps do you use? Any faves?
Snapseed is my favorite app for filters an d it’s free. I like the landscape filter the best. I may adjust my photos after the filter is applied with color or light as well on my iPhone editing app but rarely use the filters that come on the iPhone or even Instagram. Quickshot is another free app that allows you to put a different sky in the background of your photo, such as sunset colors, clouds, or even a perfect blue sky. Just be careful that the photo doesn’t look fake after applying the background. You can pay extra for other backgrounds such as fireworks but I haven’t done that.
I take 95% of my photos with my iPhone. It takes great shots. I have an expensive Sony camera but rarely use it anymore. It’s so heavy to carry around. I only use it for groups shots when I need to set it on a tripod with a timer. You don’t need an expensive camera to take good pictures. A lot of it is in the editing with filters after the shot.
Side note: She’s being modest. You also need a good eye, and Cyndi has one!
Q: And while we’re speaking of faves…following your @huntersunknown is so fun because every day you post a theme and every week you seem to post at least one comic that has me LOLing. My favorite is #WickedWednesday – Name That Horror Flick. I rarely get the movies, but it’s so much fun to see what you’ll ask. Do you have a favorite day? (I know. Not nice to ask to play favorites, right?)
I love that you asked me what my favorite day is! Nobody ever asks me that. My favorite posts are the jokes. I try to only post funny ones. I’m right with you on the #WickedWednesday posts. I love finding the old horror movies to post for Name that Horror Flick and am amazed that someone usually guesses it with only one screen shot. The dark side of the paranormal is so interesting. I like the articles about ouija boards, men in black, and dark spirits.
Q: Finally, what are some of the most photogenic haunted places you’ve visited, or your favorite ones that you enjoy revisiting and can’t get enough photos of?
My favorite photogenic haunted places are abandoned buildings. They have so much character. I love photographing the different architecture aspects, eerily empty hallways, and artifacts that have been left behind. I investigated an abandoned asylum called Edinburgh Manor in Iowa. The place is exactly like it was when the residents left. Clothes still in closets, recipes in the kitchen, silverware wrapped and ready for dinner. It’s as if time stopped when they left and makes for
a great photo opportunity. I don’t have one place that is my favorite. Each location has it’s own beautiful story of why it became a haunted place which you can tell in photos.
Side note: Edinburgh Manor sounds marvelous. If I’m ever in Iowa I’d love to scope it out. Another great tip from the Supernatural Traveler!
Q: How can people jaunt with you?
I can be reached on my website www.supernaturaltraveler.com where I post blog posts for each of my travel adventures. I’m way behind on 2018 so there’s many more come. I upload all of my photos to my Facebook and Instagram page @supernaturaltraveler. Hunters of the Unknown has it’s own website www.huntersoftheunknown. To get in on the action of my theme posts, something new every day, including Name that Horror Flick on Wednesdays follow @HuntersUnknown on Facebook and Instagram.
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.